Nizhny Novgorod: "No deportation Dennis Solopova!

When a worthy man thrown into the clutches of the Russian "justice" ... What do you do when you see how your eyes to straighten out over a man? For example, throw him off the roof? Walk past? And what if this man was fighting for a better lot for you and your children for a better future? And what if because of this happening this outrage?

Today the fate of Dennis Solopova, a young anti-fascist, a member of many civic initsiativ.Rossiyskoe "justice" is intended Dennis, accuses him and his brother Maxim Solopova and comrade Alexei Gaskarova with organizing mass disturbances in the town of Khimki, Moscow Region.

Then July 28, 2010 about five hundred anarchists and anti-fascists staged a protest against cutting down forests Khimki. In the administration building flew bottles and smoke bombs. It was an answer to corrupt authorities in the repression against the environmentalists and civic activists. And it was a response to anti-fascist government, which used to defeat the fascist fans peaceful protest camp.

Denis Solopov never concealed its active citizenship.And that's it, among others, the authorities and try to "assign guilt."

Each trial of the two "Khimki hostages Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova discovers that the" holes in it, which is accused of trying to hang all the responsibility, "so that others can not povadno was."
Denis Solopov fled from persecution in the Ukraine, became an international refugee status from the UN.

However, the Ukrainian authorities, violating their own laws, was arrested Dennis and trying to extradite him to Russia's justice. "Deportation Dennis Solopova as international refugee under a UN mandate, contrary to the laws of Ukraine. On the face of pressure from Russian authorities. "Not in our power to influence it!" - You say? Today, our solidarity must be expressed not only in sympathy, not in the kitchen talking.

Denis Solopov - one of the few brave and honest young people who are not afraid to speak out against Nazi orgy of violence in our society, against the corruption of power and arbitrariness of punitive organs. And it is necessary that such people were more to each of us had the courage to be a citizen of that among us did not have any "major" and "responsible" for all the calamities of this country.

Autonomous Action Nizhny Novgorod


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