Picket in front of the Consulate of Russia in Kiev: Left activists have given a new glass for Khimki Mayor

2 nd August 2010 in front of the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Kiev picket of solidarity with the arrested anti-fascists Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovym.

The organizers of the pickets were "Antifascist Action", "The Free Union, the student union" Direct Action "," Social Alternative ", Institute for Social Research" Republic ", attended as representatives of the leftist movements and human rights activists and apolitical.At the rally attended by participants from Russia, Byelorussia, Germany, Portugal and Poland.

Meeting people demanded an end to reprisals against Russian anti-fascists. The pressure exerted on them today, seem doubly cynical on the background of impunity for traffickers who illegally felled timber Khimki and beat activists, environmentalists.

Protesters tried to pass through the consulate appeal to the administration of Khimki.The address was written on a window pane, which was offered to insert instead of one of the broken during a protest on July 28. By law, the consulate must receive and record any treatment of citizens, irrespective of on what they have written. Nevertheless, the protection of the consulate, after consulting with its employees, refused to let the activists with the glass inside the building, arguing that the fact that "the glass may shatter. Organizers of the rally regret the deep psychological trauma of all Russian officials on July 28, even while in Ukraine they continue to feel the fear of broken glass.Window frame with treatment was left at the entrance to the building, where carefully studied as bystanders, and the protection of the embassy.

During the meeting the representatives of leftist organizations in Kiev, told about the situation in Khimki, on the political repression against anti-fascists, the alliance between capital, funding deforestation, mercenaries from among fans of extreme-right, forward on the environment and the power that encloses the lawlessness.Remembered about similar episodes in Ukraine, in particular illegal logging of the park in Kharkov. Delivered Portuguese activist Ernesto Kastanera, among others chanted "Freedom for Russian anti-fascists" and "Freedom or death!". The rally were connected random passers-by, passing by the Consulate pensioner, who can hardly be suspected of extremism and love to hooliganism, after listening to previous speakers, he asked the megaphone and made a speech in support of the youth anti-fascist movement.

Chanted: "Plant a forest, and not activists," Freedom Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovu "," State - the main extremist "," We need a lot of Khimki "(paraphrase of the slogan of 68-year" We need many Vietnams ").

Also during the campaign was made audioobraschenie addressed to Vladimir Putin, personally approved the felling of forests Khimki.Been included the song "Do not cut the tree guys", performed by your favorite band Lube, which the Prime Minister has repeatedly called his favorite.

After the meeting, the organizers contacted by telephone from Moscow colleagues, who passed, literally 'wandering in the woods coupons [Nazi skinhead] and the cops, catch the environmentalists, but also reported an attempt to arrest the famous left-blogger Sergei Smirnov.This message is triggered unauthorized March: activists marched through the city, continuing to chant slogans.

This statement has not beenon the latter, if the illegal repression will continue - in Kiev, as well as around the world, will be new, already more radical action.

The message text is left at the entrance to the consulate:

Send in the city administration Khimki.

Dear officials, we give you this glazed frame, replace windows, smashed during a protest against the illegal felling of forests Khimki.

As you can see, damage caused to City Hall can be easily corrected.

Nadiaemsya that you can just as easily restore the wood illegally felled in your complicity.

Restore health and lives of people who were killed and mutilated for trying to expose your fraud.

To release from detention of activists who were arrested to you and your boss could entertain his petty revenge.


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