Socio-economic evolution

When because of the increasing aridity of the climate camel faced with periodic food shortages, he began to store fat on the back and through many generations got humps. When, for the same reason people in the Neolithic faced with instability harvest, he began to irrigate crops and will soon set up an irrigation civilization. Social organization of the civilization (commonly referred to as the Asian despotism) differed from the social organization of Neolithic greater than the social organization of camels from the social organization of horses.However, physiologically man with virtually no change. He has adapted to new conditions is not due to biological, but at the expense of social adaptation.

Like many other properties that are considered "purely human" ability to adapt, changing not physically, but socially, is not the prerogative of Homo sapiens'a. Paramilitary organization of baboons is a reaction to the constant danger from leopards and other predators, forcing the monkeys to make their flocks to the military units. And just a transition from single life to herd - already have nothing, as social adjustment. On the other hand, the man is not alien and biological adaptation. Within our species, there is at least five subspecies - big races, [ Many anthropologists believe separate big race of the Ainu, however, it was small and now almost completely mixed with the Orientals. Big races are divided into small, which are less distinct from each other and less durable. "> 1], many features which, whether degree of pigmentation or steatopyga, [Inherent Bushmen race, is an adaptation to desert conditions. "> 2] are precisely the biological adaptation to different environmental conditions. But of all the animals only humans (and possibly in the chimpanzee (it's yet to be determined)) social adaptation dominates biological. Not random person - the only one of "progressive" animals submitted one biological species and even a genus. All the other animals when they begin to gain ground, creating many different kinds.The man is actually also created a huge number of species and genera, but not biological but social. Typically, a biological species corresponds to one, well, maybe two variants of social organization. Wolf pack is built on the same principle in any locality wolf. Do chimpanzees have various forms of the common chimpanzees and bonobos (pygmy chimpanzees), which most zoologists relates to a separate subspecies, but a single species with a common chimpanzee. A man already in the Neolithic (and probably in the Paleolithic), there are many different variants of social organization.Pressure factors were exogamy (the ban on sexual relations between relatives) and natural features of the regions that compel people to roost in large groups, or vice versa split up into small, constantly live with other genera, or periodically to meet with them (in some tribes did not even have regular meetings, and a periodic exchange of adolescents who had undergone initiation), later development of productive forces has created new options for social adaptation - appeared class society.

Modern atomization of society is also a consequence of social evolution.The fact that the evolution in this case goes in the direction primitivizatsii can not be happy, but can not and surprise - biological evolution too far led to the creation of a more primitive species.

Another feature of the social evolution of man is that it because of its quickness divorced from biology. As mentioned in the beginning, the transition from the primitive community to Asiatic despotism virtually no effect on its biology.In pre-class society is, however, did not matter, but in a class led to contradictions. The argument against the feudal unit in France was limited by the fact that the nobles are not born with spurs, and peasants - with the saddle on the neck. The position of racists and nationalists, who claim that the barbarians, the Slavs negros or biologically adapted to slave status, with all its vileness is more logical than the liberal position, unable to intelligibly explain why Vasya Pupkin to work at the mine, owned by Misha Hryushkinu, and not vice versa.Social-Darwinian position, in essence, similar to the racist, she also understands that once Hryushkin was the owner of the mine, but Pupkin employee, then the first born genius, industrious, and the last - a lazy half-wit.

It would be a mistake to think (as Lenin would say) that this contradiction is generated by the emergence of new economic pressures instead of natural. Between these two factors do not have a clear boundary. If the five wolves poodinchke are only able to catch mice, but catch foxes, and gathered in a flock can easily drive the deer - a factor of biological or economic? And if ten or fifteen men could dig a pit-trap and drive back the mammoth or five horses? If the three groups of ten people can ensure smooth operation except the three windmills, and thirty men together in three teams - smooth operation elevator or power? If a certain area density of rodents and hoofed animals such that a pack of five to seven wolves will be fed, and a pack of ten, or it will starve, or it will split into two flocks and disperse over a distance of one week the way - this is nature or the economy? And if it is not about rodents and ungulates, but the furs extracted fishers? On the harvest of wheat per ha? On deposits of coal, oil or uranium? The natural factor is an integral part of the economic.Hence, the contradiction is created not the economy itself as such, but its a level at which the best is some form of social organization are contrary to human nature.At another level, the economic optimum may be another form, and hence the contradiction can be removed.

In general, get rid of the contradiction between the biological nature of man and socio-economic systems of humanity can be two ways. Either adapt to the new biology of human society (ie to ensure that the biological difference between Hryushkinym and Pupkin was as strong as between the queen bee and worker bees, or, at worst, as between a bulldog and dachshund), or the social environment to adapt to biology, eliminating the class division and atomization.The first way, by the way, is possible in any economy, only time it may require not less than that required for the acquisition of camel humps. Perhaps with the current level of science it can be performed in a shorter time. Fortunately, the current level of technology makes it possible and the second path. I'm in this paper do not want to explain why, as well, and why I prefer it the second choice. I just want to note that other options and there is no humanity.


  1. Most readers are probably aware of three major races: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid.However, the observations of anthropologists, avstroloidy (Australian Aborigines, as well as some tribes of southern India and Indochina) and the Bushmen are different from Negroids not less than Caucasians. Many anthropologists believe separate big race of the Ainu, however, it was small and now almost completely mixed with the Orientals.Big races are divided into small, which are less distinct from each other and less durable. [ ]
  2. Steatopygia - the ability to store fat in the buttocks (just like a camel stores it in the humps). Inherent Bushmen race, is an adaptation to desert conditions. [ ]

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