Publish a call anarcho-syndicalists in Germany to show solidarity with workers in Japan who suffered from the earthquake, tsunami and the subsequent nuclear accidents at nuclear power plants Fukushima.
Given the vast destruction caused by the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, and given the threat of nuclear catastrophe at the destroyed nuclear power plant "Fukushima-I", FAU-IAA (Free Labor Union, a section of the International Association of Workers in Germany) took reshenieo a fund assistance and Solidarity with the precarious (employed on a temporary basis) working in Japan - "Solidarity Fund with friters" ("Freeters Solidaritätsfond").
We, as an anarcho-syndicalist trade union base, are concerned, above all, the precarious situation of many workers (Freeters), which even before the disaster were virtually excluded from society and are often doomed to the terrible working and living conditions. Foundation laid the foundation for FAU-IAA. In addition, he urged to make donations to the fund for assistance and solidarity, whose funds will be used in close collaboration with Friters Zenpan Roso, "self-organized group of precarious workers in Japan.Donations may be sent to the following account: FAU, Konto 96152201, Postbank Hamburg (BLZ 200 100 20) marked "Freeters". Even the smallest help will be living expression of class solidarity.
Who are the "friters? Precarious workers are the dark side of shiny facade of the Japanese export-oriented economies. They appeared long ago, as a consequence of neoliberal reforms 90 years, but during the current economic crisis, their number has increased explosively.Hundreds of thousands of them have somehow managed to break through, going from one menial job to another.
So many young, many of them with higher education. They are pushed to the margins of society. Despise them like cattle and driven into a residential barracks on the outskirts of large cities. Many of them are homeless. Some of them call themselves "friters" ("freeters") - a neologism arising from a reduction in "Freelancer" and "Arubaito" (from German: Arbeit - "Work"), a Japanese term for a daily wage or temporary work.It is "friters" are used in Japan as a "throwaway workers" who perform the dirty work for minimum wage.
Even among workers who are currently trying to locate the crash on the ruined nuclear reactor nuclear power plant, Fukushima-1 "also available" disposable workers ". For several years, "friters" try to organize trade unions and break the vicious circle of exploitation and social exclusion.
Why do you need assistance fund and solidarity? Some may wonder why we have created an independent foundation aid and solidarity in support of "friters.We did this because from past experience we know that in the face of natural disasters are not all equal. Who has the money or influence, he has more opportunities to cope with the consequences. But those who are already deprived of their livelihoods and was on the margins of society, in the event of natural or man-made disasters situation worse. These are the rules of crisis management under capitalism.
So for us fund is a direct expression of solidarity between workers.We understand that the face of such large-scale disaster and the nuclear threat we can do very little. But let's not forget that in 2010 "friters" took to the streets of various Japanese cities, to support FAU Berlin during the labor conflict at the cinema "Babylon Mitte" and the threat of de facto ban on union activities.
What will the money? The question of using money from the Solidarity Fund, we will decide on the basis of our existing contacts, and after consultation with such organizations "friters" as "Friters Zenpan Rosso."How it will look like in each particular case will depend on how you will develop an event-related disaster. Perhaps, for example, that in case of deterioration in food supply of the money will be spent on the purchase and distribution of food.
In the event that contamination will be expanded, will inevitably increase the price of less contaminated food.Here is their help and very soon it may be necessary. Because of some catastrophe, "friters" in search of safety, leaving the country or moved to other, still less affected areas. And not least for many of them play the question of money for travel and accommodation. We have already begun to support this Japanese comrades.
How can I learn more? 1. Current information on the "Solidarity Fund friters" is available on a special website. On account status and current news related to the fund, we will cover in the coming weeks.http://www.fau.org/soli/ freeters
2. More information about the "friters" and union "Friters Zenpan Rosso" can be found at:
http://www.direkteaktion.org/ 187/freeter-zenpan-roso- prekaere-in-Japan (in German)
http://asnewsx.blogspot.com/ (in German and Japanese)
http://freeter-union.org/ Union / (in Japanese)
Free Workers' Union (FAU-IAA)
http://www.fau.org/soli/ freeters
PSThe initiative of the German anarcho-syndicalists found a response not only in Germany. Fundraising started syndicalists Union of Poland and American Industrial Workers of the world.
Account for donations in Poland:
Jakub Gawlikowski
PL05 1140 2004 0000 3702 4238 2269
BRE Bank SA Retail Banking, al. Mickiewicza 10, 90-050 Łódź
SORT CODE: 11402004
Since litters: Japonia
Today, 24 March 2011, I go to the affected areas with the first group we have organized teams to assist.Our group is made up of anarchists Union friterov (Tokyo), the Free Labor Union (Osaka), Kamagasaki Patrol (Osaka), Nodziren (Tokyo), the Free Labor Union Mitama (Tokyo), members of various anarchist groups and other volunteers. We also try to connect with strikers from Sanya (Tokyo).
I would suggest that the association has assumed the coordination of humanitarian assistance and donations.Originally, it was unclear whether transfer donations to public institutions (there was no proper infrastructure). Now, finally, we managed to create our own support group that collaborates with independent organizations to assist homeless, disabled and elderly people in the affected areas, such as in the nuclear power plant, Fukushima-I "and" Fukushima-II ", which were abandoned by the Government and pro-government organizations in the lurch.
Now, I can assure you that we accept donations and can even give them.Along with donations, which will be transmitted through the FAU-IAA, we are in the "Brigades of care" also get donations from the IWW (Industrial Workers of the world - approx. Translation.).
Best wishes to the FAU-IAA from the Union friters Fukuoka and all supporters.
(...) On this day I can hardly catch is, because I'm going to affected areas. It is likely that there will I get high
Articledegree of exposure.
Let's hope for the best!