Anarchist solidarity in Greek: the four actions of solidarity for two nights

Below we present the message of our allies from Greece, which held a series of radical actions over the weekend to express support for their imprisoned comrades. In Belarus, as many of our associates, scammers, anarchists, are languishing in jails. They need your solidarity, and the Greeks set an excellent example of how this solidarity can be expressed.

Statement by Greek anarchists: Saturday night (15/01/2011) and Sunday (16/11/2011) we burned:
- A branch of the Proton-Bank in the area Vironas
- Office of the ruling party PASOK in Moshato
- Two car private security company in Gysi
- Personal motorcycle ment, living in Exarcheia

We dedicate these shares to our imprisoned comrades, accused on charges of "conspiracy fires" (the so-called one of the anarchist guerrilla groups in Greece - approx.trans.) and appeared today before the prosecutor political trial in prison Koridallos. Three of them have assumed political responsibility for participation in the plot ... ", the other denies it, while not hiding his rebel pride.
We swear that we will not abandon in trouble no captive revolutionary. These violent acts of solidarity are not just allowed, they must for anyone who rebels against a world in which, thanks to the money, dominate the exploitation and injustice.Particular disagreements obsuzhdaemy, but one thing is not negotiable: the solidarity between the different groups fighting for freedom by any means and for any reason.
Also, any attempt to criminalize social, political and personal relationships (such a case of "safe house" in Chalandri, and especially the recent case of our four comrades from the city of Thessaloniki, wanted on charges of arson), we responded with more anger and rage, even more gallons of gasoline and butane bottles.We also do not forget the most heinous of servants - the journalists who, for the sake of money and career, ridicule and trample on the freedom and dignity of our comrades, poddakivaya police lies and potchuya all the fruits of his own imagination. All to condemn, to sentence the reputation and destroy the lives of our comrades even before the "Civil Justice" will issue it's official.They should know that here, on this side of the barricades, the memory lives long, and sooner or later they will pay for the dirty role they themselves chose.
Finally, we wish to point out that we have decided to act in these formally "strenuous" weekend before the start of the trial, when police pulled the chain to all its covert and overt servants in terror before the new armed attacks, because we want to negate all attempts to intimidate the state and society and a nightmare for those involved in the fight.While the government is unable to patch up the loopholes in the system, the noose will be tightened, and the heat of struggle - to grow. We must hold firmly and act vsmi forces up to the revolution and liberation, social and personal.

Freedom H. Hadzimikelakisu, P. and G. Argir Tsakalosu who assumed responsibility for participating in the "conspiracy fires, as well as P. Masurasu, K. Karakatsani, A. and G. Mitrusiasu Karagiannidisu arrestedon the same charges!

Solidarity with all prisoners anarchists!
The fight by any means - revolution always comes first!

Wolves solidarity


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