The second meeting of the secular Communards in Voronezh

Until someone theorizes about the future anarchist-communist society, others are trying to build a communist way of life now. January 15, 2011 in Voronezh, held the second Meeting of the secular Communards, attended by more than 30 people. Were presented to municipalities from different parts of the country. Held discussions on development of a communitarian movement and about the public campaign to promote the communitarian movement.

We offer the video stories of representatives of communes of how life works in them, what are the problems and prospects.

Private Youth Hostel "Povarovka" , (rules of the commune)

The municipality is located in Povarovka (Moscow Region, Leningrad area) is based Vadim Nazarenko by buying an apartment in whose territory is situated hostel.Feature of the commune - a large number vpischikov, the maximum number of residents reached 25 people on 24 square meters of living space.The main channels for filling the apartment with new people - sites,,, LJ soobshestvo vpiska, personal communication. Individual fit people are moving into the status of residents, some residents leave for their own accommodation in Moscow - an individual or Kommunarnoye. According to Vadim Nazarenko, at least two Kommunarnoye apartments in the capital are followers schmuck "Povarovka, based once lived there people.

At the moment, in the commune of 6 people reside, the decision taken by the general assembly in the presence of dikatatorskogo right with the founder of a commune.Key Questions (cleaning, pay utilities, purchase of products) can be solved spontaneously by self-regulation. Household characteristics have led to a minimalist furniture and a number of original solutions - so screwed up at the ceiling hooks for hanging backpacks.

Anarcho-agricultural commune "New Way"

Founded about 20 years ago Communist Nikolai Viktorovich Panteleyev (at the moment - the chairman of the commune), is subsistence farming on 15,5 hectares of rented land (Leningrad region).With the outside world mainly conducted barter, rather than commodity-money relations. In the mid-90's to a "new way" has joined a group of anarchists who formed an anarchist commune-based agricultural group consisting of sedentary and mobile members. Despite this, one of the main problems of the commune remains a shortage of residents, workers.

The basic values of the commune: the idea of freedom and respect for nature and animals, an equal right to food, general labor and property, to achieve maximum autonomy from the state.The municipality is not accepted smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Solutions in the commune are accepted on the basis of consensus (everyone involved has the right to vote and the right to reasonably block the decision. Did not participate in the meeting are not required to comply to them to solve them, but they can not sabotage the execution).For general duties in the municipality built a special house.

According to residents, representing a commune in the rally, it has been developing dynamically enough, but it solves its problems more successfully than the inhabitants of nearby settlements: for example, in 2007-2010, the house was built barn. At the moment, a municipality is not motorized and ready to accept a gift of auto and farm machinery (including undocumented).

The Community Service, Peace "Dawn",

The Company operates in Voronezh in a rented house in the private sector.The main building has three rooms, also on the territory of the commune is a summer house with one room and the barn.

Commune of the ideals of altruism and charity, organized by the Commune Free feeding the homeless, is going to warm clothes for them, was organized campaign to buy fruit for children's homes.Society is a cultural, political and artistic center.

In the commune there is a general budget to pay rent, utilities and food purchases. The territory of the commune is often used by travelers to stay overnight. Members of anarchist communes share the beliefs and self-contained, have considerable experience in activism.

EkoLoft / ecoloft, ecoloft928@googlegroups.сom

The municipality is based in central Moscow, is an experiment to reduce the ecological footprint while living in the metropolis and to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles.The municipality has already implemented a number of measures (the separate collection of waste, energy, non-chemical means, etc.), planned improvements (solar panels).

Due to the large number of questions from the audience related to the immediate implementation of environmental practices in the life of other communities and individual households, the residents EkoLofta adopted a recommendation to prepare a methodological memo and distribute it, including the lay out in the free internet access.


During the gathering discussed the need for a common terminology for the determination of the communes and communities.Were proposed: the commune as a model of socialized life of the commune as a model of socialized property.

Speaking about the signs of a communitarian device were identified: a general way of life, common property, the vast area of the components or common areas in an organization having a common fund and activities.

Considering ways of creating communes, participants came to the conclusion that more should be used initially to rent a house or land to understand how people can "get used to each other."

Michael Six said that the West is a significant motive for the transition to the commune is the desire for personal growth, which is not usual for a Russian man.One purpose of the communitarian movement is autonomy from state structures, which in turn leads to a counter on their part.

Among the problems of development Kommunarnoye motion were:

  • Lack of understanding of what a municipality civil society and authorities and their possible contribution to society. Often, municipalities are perceived from the outside as sectarian groups;
  • Lack of human and gender imbalance (mainly for rural communes);
  • Misunderstanding on the part of the Communards on the formation of the economic side of the commune;
  • Information and methodological vacuum.

As a solution to the above issues a decision to conduct an awareness campaign concerning the aims and objectives Kommunarnoye movement.It should include the preparation of presentations of communes in the same format, the creation of a common information platform for the Communards. As one of them was proposed by the group in a social network vkontakte - , Google continues to operate a group kommunari, consider other projects. Furthermore, it was asked to prepare guidelines for those wishing to create their own municipality, to hold a photo exhibition in the future Sletov secular Communards.

For many communities, particularly for "new ways" as well as other participants in the rally, having land to build communities, not enough human resources. So, Alex Saprykin suggested the use of belonging to his 10 hectares of land, Michael Six ( ) does not preclude the use of the "House of Friends in nature" ( ) as a base for foundation of the commune, Tosha Kulev ( ) is also in search of like-minded people to create a rural commune.To overcome this problem was suggested to organize "open days" for the most problematic for communities to disseminate information about them and attract new residents.

Participants in the rally were also touched upon:

  • the presence of hierarchy in the commune;
  • the importance of communal identity of the organizer;
  • of a rural commune of urban residents;
  • activities of rural communes as a factor in the regeneration area;
  • the difference between the organizational form of the commune, depending on its ideological platform;
  • different orientation of public activity communes, depending on the ideological platform: within the community (anarchist community), outside the community (eg, EkoLoft);

During the Meeting of the Second Secular Communards, it was decided the Third of the Meeting in Moscow in February and March 2010.It will read theoretical lectures, presentation of new communities, sectional discussion of practical issues.Urge those interested to take part in the preparation of a meeting.


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