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Russian state expertise said that words of the late left-wing lawyer Stanislav Markelov are "extremist"

Andrey Kutuzov, Tyumen State University reader and anarchist, who is suspected of public calls for extremist action (felony in Russia), was finally given a copy of expertise of his books and other materials, seized during search at his flat. An expert of criminal lab of Federal Security Service (FSB) in Sverdlovsk region Svetlana Mochalova, in particular, analyzed article "Patriotism as a diagnosis" by Stanislav Markelov and several other articles published in the Avtonom magazine No. 31. Based on this analysis, the expert concludes that the magazine "contains information of extremist orientation - namely, forceful change of  constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation, inciting of social  discord, violation of liberties and legitimate interests of people and citizens according to their social class".

Full text of the expertise.

Quote from an article by Stanislav Markelov "Patriotism as a diagnosis" illustrates the following statement  by the expert: "Mostly in the material under analysis we find negative assesment of something towards which action should be taken, namely - authorities in contemporary Russia" (pp. 14, 15). The text of "Patriotism as a diagnosis" has been published on many sites, including the website of Markelov organization - Rule of Law Institute - and is included into book of collected articles by Markelov, released this May.

We give here the excerpts from the text, where the expert found "extremist information":

"We should not make difference between patriotism and nationalism. Great-power calls from high chairs turn to be nationalist pogroms in the streets, and when those who used to be communists, zealously attend churches, it provokes obscurantism and medieval madness.

This is not just silly authorities. People with no future are angry with everything and ready to express their anger. The authorities make profit with channelling this anger towards poverty-stricken foreign workers, and not towards thievish expensive cars stuffed with the rich.

The authorities are afraid of burning "Mercedeses" because they drive them themselves. It is easier to grieve because of another nationalist massacre, simultaneously pushing unhappy people towards this way. They are only temporary figures, their task is to make profit and to hold power. They sacrifice people like monetary change, throwing patriotism drug in exchange for their own security and prosperity"
(Avtonom magazine, No.31, Autumn 2009, "Patriotism as diagnosis" article)

Another striking statement by Svetlana Mochalova is that the phrase "Fascism is an element of the Kremlin puppetteer policy, which authorities need for provocations and show campaigns" (Avtonom magazine, No. 28) can be considered a call for inciting social discord due to the fact that the author used "a form of semantic folding" (p. 12). Also, the expert states that the appeal "Do not serve!" applies to military and alternative service, although the word "alternative" is not even present in the materials (p.18).

In addition to the Avtonom magazine No. 31, the expert declared to be extremist two leaflets, one poster, four magazines, a newspaper and a brochure, all of them being publications by anarchist organizations and movements. Expert conclusion is not final - the decision whether to reognize the materials as extremist or not, should be taken by the court.

Meanwhile, Interregional Human Rights Association "AGORA" (they defend Andrey Kutuzov) initiated a comprehensive independent expertise in one of the state universities of Russia. In order to avoid pressure on the experts, they do not specify the name of the university.

Andrey Kutuzov (supporter of "Autonomous Action") is suspected of producing and distributing leaflets with extremist appeals against police officers. Kutuzov himself argues that the leaflet had been faked.

Details of Andrey Kutuzov case

News service of the movement "Autonomous Action"

Additional Information:

in Tyumen: +7-912-078-9908 (Andrew Kutuzov lawyer, Alex Ladin), +7-922-265-7064 (Andrey Kutuzov)

in Moscow: 8-926-206-93-72 (News service of the movement "Autonomous Action")

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