Андрей Кутузов

Sign the petition with the demand to reinstate Andrey Kutuzov in his teaching position.

We call on concerned academics around the world to sign the petition to Administration of Tyumen State University and Russian higher education authorities.

Andrey Kutuzov is a Russian anarchist academic who has been teaching linguistics at Tyumen State University (Western Siberia). He is also an activist and participant in grassroots movements. 7 September 2011 Andrey was dismissed by Gennady Chebotarev, the rector of the University. We believe that Andrey was dismissed because of pressure from the local authorities on the university administration. The official reason for the dismissal was declared “committing an immoral deed” referring to the recent case of repression for his political activities.

Autonomous Action - Tyumen required to justify Andrey Kutuzov

Picket in support of Andrei Kutuzov held on March 24 Tyumen "Autonomous Action". Per share, in the past on the area of ​​unity and harmony, it's about fifteen people, not counting journalists. The activists unfurled a banner "Free Andrew Kutuzov" and "No to political repression!".

At the last names were Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova, Tatiana Stetsury, Hope Nizovkinoy and others, which the government now pursues politically motivated.

In Kaluga, a picket was held in support of social activists

March 14 around 18.00 a group of anarchists and Marxists in Kaluga was held an unauthorized picket in support of a member of the "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, as well as Khimkinskaya hostages Maxim Solopova, Denis Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova (also member of BP). About 15 minutes into the heart of the city boys and girls were handing out leaflets, waving flags, holding whatman with slogans written on them.

The lesson of literature. Action to support civic activists persecuted by "extremist" articles in Irkutsk.

At night, February 5, Irkutsk anarchists posters adorned the walls of the city known "extremists" from which to watch passers-by "father of Russian literature - Pushkin, Gorky, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky - and in a very unambiguous terms to express their thoughts.

Moscow Anarchists Picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov and against political repression

On Saturday, February 5, in Moscow, about representation of the Tyumen region (st. Pyatnitskaya, 47, p. 2, m. "Tretyakov, Novokuznetskaya) in 14 hours will picket in support of the Tyumen anarchist Andrew Kutuzov. The action will take place within days nationwide united action. As already reported by the defenders of Kutuzov, beginning with fall 2009, RU FSB in the Tyumen region is a criminal case under Article 280 of the Criminal Code ("Public calls for extremist activities").

In Tyumen, held a rally of "extremism No: justify Andrey Kutuzov!"

Rally against political repression and in support of the teacher and civic activist, member of "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov pursued by the FSB, will be held Feb. 6 at 15:00 at the Drama Theatre (area 400 th anniversary of Tyumen).

The action will take place within days of united action against political repression in many Russian cities. In Tyumen, the organizer of the meeting was the movement of "Autonomous Action - Tyumen, with the support of the Council of Citizens' initiative groups and Tyumen.

FSC law is not written: the only member arrested picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov

Party to rally in support of Andrei Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka ploschadi.Uchastnitsu picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka Square.
Men in civilian clothes is not introducing himself took piketchitsu and journalists in the waiting room of the FSB, which rewrote the passport data. After some time the police came after them from the ATS Meschanskoy.

Solidarity: sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov!

Show solidarity, sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov our friend, member of the movement "Autonomous Action". 14 April 2010 on suspicion of distributing extremist material was detained and interrogated TSU professor Andrei Kutuzov. On the same day in his apartment was searched. Today Andrey Kutuzov was formally charged under Art. 280 of the Penal Code, "Public appeals for extremist activity" for the distribution of leaflets allegedly manufactured and distributed them at a rally on Oct.

Evening of absurdity: a concert in support of Andrei Kutuzov was in Tyumen

We were born to make come true Kafka (Bahchanyan VA)

In the evening on December 10 in Tyumen cafe "books" was a concert in support of a well-known civic activist Andrey Kutuzov party "Autonomous Action, accused the FSB of distributing" extremist leaflets. Dec. 14 to begin the court in this case. Educated public accusation is false and sucked from the finger. People who know Andrew personally or by his active work, decided to organize themselves and express their solidarity with him through the recital.Here's what came of it.

In Tyumen, held a preliminary court hearing in the case of Andrey Kutuzov

November 25 in Tyumen, held a preliminary court hearing on the case participant "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, who was accused of producing and distributing "extremist" leaflets. Judge Garipova did only one thing: admitted the positive characteristics for Andrew and places of work and residence. The defense petition, but the judge dismissed them, saying that the application will be considered later in the course of the case on its merits.

Antirepressivny march of anger

In Ufa was "Antirepressivny march of anger, October 16, the procession passed through the traditional route through the geographical center of the city - from the Palais des Sports to Lenin Square on the Avenue of October. Rain and snow in the damp October air burst chanting slogans protesting against the persecution of social activists in Russia and Belarus: "No to political repression," "Solidarity without Borders," "Freedom Dmitry Chuvilin / Andrey Kutuzov / Maxim and Alexei / Belarussian anarchists!

Russian state expertise said that words of the late left-wing lawyer Stanislav Markelov are "extremist"

Andrey Kutuzov, Tyumen State University reader and anarchist, who is suspected of public calls for extremist action (felony in Russia), was finally given a copy of expertise of his books and other materials, seized during search at his flat. An expert of criminal lab of Federal Security Service (FSB) in Sverdlovsk region Svetlana Mochalova, in particular, analyzed article "Patriotism as a diagnosis" by Stanislav Markelov and several other articles published in the Avtonom magazine No. 31. Based on this analysis, the expert concludes that the magazine "contains information of extremist orientation - namely, forceful change of  constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation, inciting of social  discord, violation of liberties and legitimate interests of people and citizens according to their social class".

Full text of the expertise.

Tyumen FSB secret from the public examination of the "extremist" leaflets

Tyumen anarchist party "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, suspected of spreading "incorrect", an extremist leaflets, and his defender Alex Ladin decided to take on the "public trial" the infamous document, the underlying criminal case Kutuzov. Achieve expert opinion on the leaflet from the FSB lawyer Kutuzov could not, for two months, despite the fact that the investigator submits that this conclusion was made even before the arrest of Andrei Kutuzov.The leaflet, which was in the file, you can see in the picture at the end of this news. From the one that was distributed at the rally against the tyranny of the police and the center of the "E", it has text interspersed, which stylistically totally different from the rest of the text and are recognized by the naked eye.

Author columns

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