Defenders Himkinchskogo forest tent camp protest
Submitted by lesa on 17 July, 2010 - 22:02 14 July residents of Khimki near Moscow, which for years fought against the project of building the toll road Moscow-Saint Petersburg Khimki through the forest (forest is part of the forest belts of Moscow and a source of clean air in Khimki), found that about 2 weeks is cutting down forests Khimki . morning of 15 July representatives of the initiative group of residents went to the scene of the event. Felling took place away from Khimki. In fact - in secret, in the depths of lesa.Takim way, the assumption that the forest defenders Khimki that the collapse of a Leningrad was artificially constructed in order to obtain "green light" to this building - gets, unfortunately, compelling evidence.
Recall that the design of the route are developed and approved with gross violations of the law - as in effect at the time of edition of land and forest codes expressly prohibit construction in the parks.To make the project a semblance of legality - in the Forest and Land Codes were made retroactively amended, opening, in fact, a green light to any building of parks.The decision to build trails through the park was taken behind closed doors, despite the availability of alternatives. More than 20 thousand Russians, dozens of non-governmental and governmental organizations - opted to maintain the forest. The current start cutting - a spit in the face not only himchanam and ecologists, but the entire civil society in Russia.
Place cuttings selected clearly not accidental. First, they hoped that the distance from Khimki will cut as much as possible of the forest before they start mass protests.
Second - place cuttings located near the airport Sheremetyevo, led the current Transport Minister Levitin.That's personal interests Levitin experts explain that at first glance incomprehensible insistence with which lobbies the Ministry of Transport version of road long and straight almost 10 km long and leads to a decrease in the planned high-speed characteristics of the highway. Construction of this interchange, or at least a small section of the road - would "fix" the chosen route of, devious to 10 km.And that's why - we need to stop this construction as soon as possible.
Himkintsam managed to stop illegal logging: the workers, loggers had fled immediately after the appearance of angry residents, throwing technique. The representative of the contractor arrived at the scene of conflict, but could not produce environmental activists or littered sheet, and no permission to build a road - in the absence of such documents.
As the "authorizations for the construction of this gentleman (representative contractor) presented the infamous Order of the Prime Minister V.Putin № 1642 p and Governor Mosoblasti BV Gromov № 1057/52. Was also presented with a contract from which it follows that LLC SpetsStroyInzhiniring (tel: +7 (495) 514 - 20 -90, for the curious) is a subcontractor to a company "Consent-StroyInvest, which, in turn, hired LLC FOR "Heat." Well, the subject of the contract is a "felling" along the route Moscow-Petersburg on the site 15 - 58 km.More "food chain" to trace failed. Recall that the concessionaire for the project is an LLC SZKK ", which, in turn, is a subsidiary of French group Vinci.
However, among the documentation was not a building permit, no records of specific trees that fall under the clearing. There were no documents used construction equipment there, too, was not there. That is probably why Mr. Kazmirchuk soon left back home, after accusing environmentalists of "sabotage".At the same time it became clear that the defenders of nature, according to Mr. Kazimirchuka - these are people that "something in his childhood was not enough."
However, he promised to return on Monday, with all documentation, and continue cutting. He said he expects to destroy the forest along the entire route until 15 August.
By the evening of July 15 near the site of felling was broken clock campground. Environmentalists intend to be on duty in the woods until you remove it until lesmoruby technique.
July 16 ekolagere was attacked by an activist Evgeny Chirikov.In the camp broke silver Jeep KIA, registration number B 104 VE 98. From it sprang a tall man, ran up to Eugene and began to strike, trying to dislodge from the hands of mobile phone. The attackers fled the scene. Evgenia injuries and damages. Prepared statement to the police and prosecutors.
July 17 in 3 hours and 30 minutes past midnight on site cutting Khimki woods on fire one of the two abandoned vehicles - a tractor. Defenders Khimki forest fire and immediately called police.Firefighters were at the place in 4.45, but to extinguish the fire and not started. Police arrived at the scene at 5.30, after 2 hours. Defenders Khimki forests believe that this is a provocation in order to remove ecologists from the place of illegal logging.
It should be noted that the technique used for the construction of the federal highway, leaves much to be desired. Assurances company Vinci, the winning tender for the construction of the federal highway Moscow-Saint Petersburg, that the work carried out at the highest technical level, unfortunately, does not correspond to reality.
Used on site clearing machines clearly be exhausted does not even have license plates.Remaining on-site cutting excavator is now simply oozes oil.
Day 17 July, at 12 o'clock, a group ChOPovtsev with iron sledgehammers aggressively entered the camp and environmentalists tried to oust defenders Khimki woods from the camp. As it turned out, they were ordered to oust ecologists from the camp and provide them all possible pressure. Who gave the order, ChOPovtsy not admitted, the name of his chop they did not say.
Environmentalists came to the defense of its territory.They managed to get rid of PSA. At the moment, is the strengthening of the camp.
According to advocates of Khimki forests, they are still - we need fresh forces to participate in an environmental protest camp. Map
Source, photo-reports, additional information about the problem, contact the defenders Khimki forests: