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The strike wave in Iran

In Iran, virtually banned strikes and independent trade unions are persecuted. Workers are subjected to repression of activists, so in May this year were executed 5 members of trade unions . Therefore, statements about the workers can be found only fragmentary, often accidentally falling in media reports. But they are enough to understand: there is the rise of class struggle.

In mid-2009. Iran became the focus of media attention. After the defeat in June's presidential elections, opposition candidate Musawi , was planned if they win a democratization of the "Western" model and the privatization of public sector, there have been popular uprising that ended the bloody attacks by police on protesters and the death of several dozen people.Many of today's "Left" discouraged by the situation in Iran, have plunged into these vnutriburzhuaznye disassembly.Parades muffled to the eyes of women and students, demanding that it became "like the West, of course, where spectacular than the bitter, violent and often deadly struggle being waged against capitalism the working class of Iran.


Miners, coal miners went Tabas area on May 18 strike to protest against poor working conditions and low wages. People working at a depth of 600 meters, won a $ 300 a month.The mines are managed jointly by the state and private companies. About 150 miners mines Pervade morning shut down for 4 hours, seeking to raise wages and improve the health insurance system. After the strike, about 1000 workers tried to march to the residence of the governor, because the company refused to provide them with buses. At halfway they were stopped by "revolutionary guards". The miners said that they would continue the struggle until their demands are not met.Source

From 2 May protests continue working in the industrial city of Qazvin. The Administration has closed the factory "appointment" without paying any compensation to laid-off or salary for 6 months. 120 workers went to Tehran and held a 5-July 4-day sit-in strike in front of Parliament. July 17, more than 50 workers began a sit-down strike at the factory gate).


In the Kurdish city of Sagez June 16 bakery workers went on strike, demanding higher wages and the conclusion of collective agreement. They released a statement stressing the importance of bread for the population, especially for city workers.The statement noted that the association of entrepreneurs seeking to encourage employers to refuse to bargain collectively with employees and the payment of wages. Meanwhile, even the labor law provides for annual wage increases, in line with inflation. The head of the local labor bureau and the governor is fully on the side of employers.

June 2 provincial authorities announced a price increase for bread, referring to wage growth. However, no workers have not received a raise, but an association of entrepreneurs pasted on June 6 in all bakeries in the notice that the wage increase in the near future will not be.The workers gave the authorities until 15 June to resolve the problem and to consider their demands. Since nothing was done on 16 June a strike. The city authorities were forced to invite representatives of the workers to negotiate, and the 19 th signed a collective agreement between trade union association working bakeries and Business Association. Source

In Tehran, June 9 drivers of the bus line number 1 in the morning went on strike, refusing to remove buses from the terminal.They protested against the revision of their working time. Drivers took only 20 minutes to obtain acceptance of their demands. The workers also protested against the arrest of trade union activist Mansur Asal. Source

In Abadan on 13 June, after mnogdnevnoy strike, were dismissed 60 employees factories drinks.They were protesting non-payment of salaries for March and April of this year. Source

June 14 a strike of 400 workers a steel mill "Godel Suzie" in Sirjani. Prior to that, the administration organized a competition, which took place only 40 out of 500 employees. Employees were hired on a 5-year term to run the steel complex. However, once in April, President Ahmadinejad inaugurated the plant, a contest was announced, and did not pass it to be separated.The strike is accompanied by a rally in front office and the gates of the complex. During the strike, clashes broke out between workers and management representatives, many workers were injured by security guards.

June 16 workers began a protest pickets at the office of the governor. The authorities and the administration tried to intimidate the workers' representatives, and refused to negotiate seriously.Local media were forbidden to publish information about the strike. Steel complex is attached political importance, but the workers refuse to play these games. One of them said: "We do not participate in politics. Our only requirement - to keep our jobs. What we tell our families, if they lose? " Channel

June 19 350 municipal workers went on strike the First District of the city of Abadan. They were protesting against unpaid salaries for the last 3 months, as well as bonuses and contributions to health insurance for 5 months.Source

June 19 was to begin a strike builders of the dam in Java. More than 300 workers have not received salaries for several months - from November 2009 Moreover, in March 1915 the workers were dismissed, and not getting their money. Source


Within 24 days of strike workers metallers factory № 1. Most of them have not been paid for 6 months: the company "Tehran Sarin Products' debt to the workers for February - May and July.As a result of the strike they have paid wages for one month, one third for the second month salary and bonus. Source

July 6, Qazvin protests broke out 180 factory workers' Alborz China. Gathered at the factory gate, they required the payment of 6-month salary arrears. Before that they had engaged in various actions, including May 1. July 18, they began a sit-down strike at the residence of the governor of the city. Source


K. Nebb. the Iranian Revolution 1978-1980.
36409.html "> Iran: a new attempt? (Article German ultra-left groups Wildcat c analysis of the socio-economic and political situation in Iran, as well as Iranian protests against the regime)

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