In memory of Diego Jimenez Moreno (1911-2010)
Submitted by Редакция on 25 July, 2010 - 02:14
June 6, 2010 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, died Diego Jimenez Moreno, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, a member of the legendary "Iron Column" Buenaventura Durutti. He was 99 years old, and he suffered from Parkinson's syndrome. Diego Jimenez was born on April 10, 1911 in Jumilla, in the province Mursiya, and joined the Spanish anarchist movement after the death of his father when he was 17 years old. Through the Iberian Federation of libertarian youth (Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertárias - FIJL) he became acquainted with the libertarian ideas of naturism, becoming a vegetarian and a supporter of a sober lifestyle.
In 1931, Diego joined the CNT and became secretary of the local syndicate of workers graphic arts. Five years later, he was member of the brightest events in anarchist history, the Spanish revolution and joined the fight against fascism to the legendary Durruti Column. After the defeat of the Popular Front of the Franco Diego, was arrested and sent to concentration camp Mauthausen (Austria), where he managed to flee to France.
In 1942 he moved to Sao Paulo and became active in the local anarchist groups Sociedade Naturista Amigos de Nossa Chácara (Friends of our farm naturist society) and the Centro de Cultura Social (Center of Social Culture).
Diego enjoyed great respect in the anarchist movement in Brazil.His lectures on civil war and opposition to consumerism, and in defense of a sober lifestyle has great influence on the anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists both young and older generations. Some of his thoughts can be found in the books «Mauthausen: Campo de Concentração e de Extermínio» («Mauthausen: the destruction of a concentration camp, 1975),« Três Depoimentos Libertários »(« Three libertarian evidence ", 2002) and« Anarquistas: Ética e Antologia de Existências »(« Anarchists: Ethics and an anthology of existence ", 2004).
In addition, Diego wrote articles for the French anarchist journal Le Combat Syndicaliste. The story of his struggle to be a source of inspiration for the entire movement. We will not get him the experience of moral strength and character.
"We must abandon the current bad habits. Instead of protecting his interests, we protect the interests of capital.We should be like a snake, which gets rid of its old skin to find a new one. Diego Jimenez Moreno
Interview with Diego Jiménez, which he gave to FOSP / COB-AIT, you can read here: (in Portuguese)
April 1, 1939, the hospital Osh (France), Diego Jimenez Moreno (far left) with a nurse and friend, who was also injured.