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For two days six detainees are under arrest in connection with the attack on the embassy of Russia

Sept. 3 about 6 o’clock in the morning seven non-government activists were arrested by law enforcement bodies of Belarus. Six of them are held 38 hours in custody in the detention center of Minsk. The detainees were interrogated about their involvement in the pelting Molotov cocktails at the embassy of Russia in Minsk. Young people jointly rent an apartment in one district of Minsk. At 6-20 am a doorbell rang , one of the young
men opened the door and law enforcement officers in civilian clothes immediately burst in the apartment.

All were present at the time in the apartment were taken to GUBOP Interior Ministry for questioning, the apartment was searched, five computers, two laptops, mobile phones, money, posters and magazines were
confiscated. One of the detainees had been interrogated as a witness in a criminal case of an attack on the embassy of Russia and released about 19 hours. Another six people – Bogachek Igor, Khotina Valeria, Slusar
Serge, Dedok Nicholas, Zhingerovsky Alexei and Franzkevich Alexander – are still in the detention center of Minsk in the street Okrestsin. Relatives and friends are not able to contact them. The maximum period
of detention without charge in Belarus is 72 hours.

September 4, another activist was detained, his apartment was also searched. After the interrogation the detainee was released.

Still unknown the location of missing Anton Kalenkovich.

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