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Days of Action for Khimkinskiy hostages: a rally in Moscow

September 19 meeting was held to demand the release of Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova who are in jail on charges of organizing an attack on the administration of Khimki near Moscow on 28 July this year. During the cordon, which police fenced rally, held about 300 people, several dozen protesters stood in the square on the other side of the fence. Political flags of the organizers of the rally have decided not to use. The protesters chanted "Freedom Khimki hostages", "This is our forest," "assholes, free Gaskarova and Solopova" and other slogans.

Leading the rally anarchist Vlad Tupikin told that the power Khimki, Moscow region, and 3-year spat on views of the residents, advocating for the preservation of the forest Khimki, coarsely crushed peaceful protests, finally, began to cut trees without any documents, afflicted camp ecologists football fans- neo-Nazis.Young anti-fascists have tried to speak with authority on the language which she, as it turned out, that's understood. There followed a natural inadequate response. They seized those who were easiest to find - public activists, who themselves came to talk to the police. "

Also leading the rally reminded the audience that in order to get at least some "evidence" of the organization Lesha and Max "pogrom", dozens of anti-fascists were arrested not only in Moscow and Moscow region, but also in Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, and even in Belarus .Part of the "witnesses" had been tortured during interrogation.

The representative of the Movement for the Defence Khimki forests more leading spoke about the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations, environmental police and gangsters, that the materials of the case against Alexey and Maxim were rigged (apparently the guys were detained at the rally in Khimki, not themselves come to the police) that Finally, that according to the poll by the Levada Center, about 70% of Muscovites, and himchan opposed passage of the new route "Moscow-Saint Petersburg Khimki through the woods."They bought the wood for 4000 rubles per hectare in commercial land prices in the millions. This project is beneficial only to a handful of corrupt officials."

Representative of the Institute "Collective Action" Karin Clement spoke about how Alex Gaskarov, who collaborated with the ICD, to help the social and environmental initiatives (the fight against the inhabitants of the sealing construction, the arbitrariness of the authorities in the field of utilities, forest clearing) in his home town of Zhukovsky, Moscow region.Karin recalled how on the eve of "pogrom" Khimki Administration spat in the face residents in the acute situation of confrontation loggers and residents canceled a planned "meeting with the public." "No there was no pogrom, was only 4 of broken glass.In place of Max and Leschi could be any people with active citizenship.

Left political analyst Boris Kagarlitsky told the audience that the federal government is finally "see" what outrages happen in Moscow, through its channels blamed Mayor of Moscow, including his support for cutting down forests Khimki.

Alexei's mother Irina Gaskarova told the audience that the investigators do not have anything on her son. "The video shares do not, if he had not told them they would not have even been able to prove its presence in the Khimki.Investigators know that the guys are innocent, but could do nothing - it "on the control at the top." I think that this control ends in the leadership of the Moscow region, and then they just powdered brains of their own superiors. I want to say that the controllers: "How vym not ashamed!". Also Irina Gaskarova expressed outrage that the regional authorities demand to give a legal assessment of the events of 28 July, about Khimki administration, but so far have not given this same assessment of the events surrounding the forest harvesting Khimki.In addition, the relatives denied the meeting with Alexei, and they still have not received written letters to them.

Father Maxim Victor Solopov told about abuse of a police search of their apartment: in particular, packets of seized police tape for sealing, and thus in the case file could be anything. "And in general, according to Victor Solopova, the 213th article of the Criminal Code ( conduct) specially created for that it could be used against the protesters. Case on this article, it is very easy to falsify.In Khimki, as there was simply causing little property damage.

Neformal Vsevolod Ostapov, in February this year, received 1 year of probation for allegedly attacking a policeman, told him how to hide a crime of staff of Moscow ATS Sokolniki, beat Vsevolod and his friends against him were trumped up criminal case. The judge also ignored the testimony of 20 witnesses for the defense and made a sentence only on the testimony of interested police. "And in Khimki same story. Police and lawlessness have become inseparable.

In addition to these speakers at the rally were defenders Lev Ponomarev (Movement for Human Rights) and Aleksandr Cherkasov ("Memorial") and environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak (Ekozaschita!).

Left activist Kirill Medvedev rally participants read their poems and sang a song of his own. Both works were devoted to the arbitrariness of the authorities.

Resolutions rally was not - all claims sobrashihsya were clearly expressed in the chants and banners. "/>

The campaign for the release of hostages Khimkinskiy:

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