In the network appeared Account Petersburg group Anarchist Black Cross
Submitted by Редакция on 27 September, 2010 - 17:53
"Anarchist Black Cross, Peter (the APC-Peter) - St. Petersburg is a collective of activists engaged in support and protection of people who have been penalized in connection with their anarchistic, anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist activities. Support includes a wide range of actions, including moral, informational and material assistance to victims of repression. As anarchists, we advocate the complete destruction of the state system and, in particular, the repressive apparatus), the prison system, intelligence services, police) "- excerpt from the institutional arrangements APC.
Petrograd anarchists engaged in regular work against repression, at least since the late 1990's, since "the case of Krasnodar, where anarchists presented unsubstantiated charges in the attempted assassination of the governor of Krasnodar Region Kondratenko.The next thing was a new revolutionary alternatives (NRA), paramilitary groups, claimed responsibility for a series of low-power explosions in Moscow, the result of which was only material damage. Petrograd anarchists actively cooperated with Moscow by opposition political repression, disseminated information on the case and helped prisoners (L.Romanova, A. Nevsky, etc.).
In 2003, the Moscow group has been established Anarchist Black Cross, thus continuing a tradition, which had dragged on since the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. St. Petersburg group Anarchist Black Cross was introduced in August 2007. The reason for its creation was the need to protect the two St. Petersburg anarchists and D. A. Kalenova Zelenyuk from absurd charges of blowing up train "Nevsky Express".Anarchists were released after months in prison, in the end, with them were completely cleared of all charges. The next important case arose in the summer of 2008 - we ran a campaign in defense of the St. Petersburg anti-fascist A. Bychin, who received a prison sentence for self-defense against the Nazis, who is a police officer.
In addition to helping those who are subjected to repression, an important part of the APC is to help the victims of Nazi violence. We have helped materially anti-fascists and anarchists from Brest, Vladivostok (the case of YuMishutkina), Izhevsk, Kazan, Kiev, Moscow (case A. Olesinova), Minsk, Omsk, Samara and other cities.
Another important part of our activities - correspondence with prisoners. In addition to Russia and Belarus, we have established a link with the prisoners in the U.S., Germany and other countries. Letters from prisoners are printed in the newspaper "Black Cross", which we publish. Gazette in electronic form (format pdf) can be found at Bakuninists -
In addition to the newspaper, the St. Petersburg APC members issued a series of flyers and leaflets - they describe the nuances of communication with the police authorities of the State.We also distribute brochures published by Moscow APC, describing the experience of resistance to repression in our country and abroad, and CDs of various musical groups (Crowd Control, Agathocles, Iskra, etc.), revenue from which goes to fund the APC.
Unfortunately, our work is in modern Russia is very marketable. Therefore, we ask all people interested to help us financially. From the attention of the state and its servantsnot insured by anyone, even perfectly law-abiding citizens, not prone to "extremism."
For donations - Yandex-money: 41001160378989 (or write to us to find out your bank account)
Contact: a4kpiter (at)
Page APC-Peter