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The victim of "Angarsk case: reduce everything to simple hooliganism

September 29 in Angarsk court after several adjournments due to illness of one of the defendants, consideration of the criminal case of an attack on an environmental camp near Angarsk, which killed the anti-fascist and member of Autonomous Action from Nakhodka Ilya Borodaenko and injuring dozens of civic activists. On September 29 the court was questioned by a participant antinuclear ekolagerya, the victim Anastasia Vazanova. During interrogation, Vazanova said that in her view, the attack in 2007 carried no ordinary huligNy, and Nazi skinheads, neo-Nazi group.

After the trial, the victim noted tense atmosphere at the meeting and explained that the feeling that "all matter is reduced to a mere hooliganism," and her testimony, like other victims, far from this version.

In particular, the neo-fascists and Nazi skinheads to similar questioning in court told a representative of the movement "independent action" (one of the organizers of the camp), the aggrieved Miryasova Olga from Moscow and activist from Jury Finds Mishutkin.

Miryasova told how attacked the camp broke down the tent in which she was, it was impossible to get out, and the top periodically rained down punches.

Mishutkin reported that on the night of the attack was awakened by screams and blows to his tent.As soon as he crawled out of it, received a strong blow to the head. Began to walk away and collided with a man whom few moments later started beating running up young people. In this case, the guy yelled: "Guys, I own, I have snakes." Civic activist explained that after the fire came to him two and asked: "Are you right?".Started beating. The only salvation from the blows Mishutkin found a table under which climbed: "Beat me became inconvenient." There he was, and found it. Morning of July 21, 2007 Mishutkin in serious condition entered the Angara hospital with a brain injury, a fractured wrist and break pancreas. The next day he underwent the first operation. Doctors told his parents that the chances of surviving a guy one against five. July 24 Mishutkin was transferred to a regional hospital in Irkutsk, where on Aug. 14 he underwent another operation. August 26th state a young man declined, but eventually he was able to survive.

- While meeting on this matter will be scheduled in the mode of questioning one victim a day - said lawyer Roman Sukachev representing the initiative of the Interregional Human Rights Association "AGORA" the interests of one of the victims.- It has to be in court tomorrow and after tomorrow, barring anything unforeseen.

For example, last week, the court summoned an ambulance defendant Eugene Panov, who stated that the staff convoy allegedly inflicted the injuries.Hearings have been suspended - arrived at the doctors found Panova high blood pressure, and injuries were found.

It is interesting that the defendants' lawyers after a speech almost every victim raise questions about the legality of their stay in the camp. The judge has to make comments about whether it relates to the criminal case of assault with a fatal outcome. Despite this, today in court again, the question was asked, this time the victim Anastasia Vazanovoy why the camp had not been agreed with the administration.Civic activists have once again had to be noted that the harmonization of the camp was not legally necessary, for example, the pickets are declarative in nature, in addition, this question is irrelevant.

It should be reminded, July 21, 2007 over 20 young men with bats, iron bars and knives attacked a camp of environmentalists protesting against the expansion of production at the local plant to enrich uranium. The camp was organized by the movements of "Keepers of the Rainbow" and "Autonomous Action".Seven victims were taken to a local hospital, two of whom were in serious condition. Received a head injury and spinal fracture antifascist Ilya Borodaenko doctors could not be saved.

The trial of a juvenile Angarsk city court for the fourth time this process began to return after three cases out of court to the prosecutor to address egregious violations of the investigators. Case contains 53 volumes. September 30 and October 1 in the trial will continue questioning nborn with.

According to the Inter-regional human rights association Agora (843) 537-89-00, 537-89-01, +7-917-398-12-47

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