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Solidarity action in support of Jock Palfreeman in Ufa

Свободу Джоку Полфриману

On 24th of October early in the morning in Ufa (republic Bashkortostan, Russia) over the bridge through the prospectus of Salavat Julaev antifa activists hung the banner: "Freedom to Jock Palfreeman! Ufa against fascism".

We wanted to express our solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, who was unjustly convicted by corrupted judicial system to 20 years confinement for self-defence in fight with 16 nazis.
We think, that actual judicial system don't exercise it's functions. And in the hands of executive power it became the antiprotest weapon, that breakes the spirit of justice.

Solidarity! Against prejudice! For public judicial system!










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