London: The students attacked the office of the Conservative Party, the banks and corporations (photos + video)
Submitted by Редакция on 13 November, 2010 - 20:47Mass protest demonstration of students and a teacher of Great Britain against the British government plans a 3-fold increase in tuition fees in universities has grown 10 November riots. Hundreds of demonstrators, angry anti-social course of the new government headed by Prime Minister David Cameron, broke into the London headquarters of the Conservative Party and entered into a fierce confrontation with the police.
About 50 thousand students, teachers and people who came to suplaugh, took part in a protest against the policies of the ruling coalition, aimed at cutting university funding and the collection of student tuition fees up to 14,500 pounds a year.
The amount may seem small compared to the fees at U.S. colleges, but it's heavy and unexpected blow on ordinary Britons who currently pay just 5,300 pounds per year of study in universities.
While the majority of the demonstrators peacefully marched through the capital, an hour after the start of the march a group of about 200 young men attacked Millbank Tower, a building in central London where the main office of the Tory and offices of about 30 firms.
Several policemen were injured when a mob broke forward and pelted them with bottles and placards.Protesters smashed windows, broke into the building, lit a fire inside, burning posters and wrote letters of spray paint anarchist symbols on the wall.
Some of the demonstrators used the chairs to smash glass facade and open the crowd the entire first floor. Police commandos managed to eventually close the building and separated from the protesters have infiltrated into the thousandth of a crowd outside, which continued to hurl at police sticks and other items.People piled in the street signs in the fire and set it on fire.
The representative of the Conservative Party said «Press Association», that the protesters could not get into her office. However, at least 50 people have been able to get on the roof of a nearby building, raise the flags out there and throw beer cans out the police. Only in the evening police commandos managed to clear protesters from the office of the Conservatives.
According to the Metropolitan Police Service 10 people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries, including 3 policemen.Several people were arrested. Organized a march to protest the National Students' Union condemned the violence by protesters.
Comment on the libertarian website
(...) I think that what happened today - both in scope and willingness to resist the forces of order - may be very important, especially given the international context of what is happening in France, where just raised the question of an independent organization and distribution of combat , though not yet in droves.I heard that the planned second day of action in a few weeks - I think, 24th ... "
Chronicle of the protest:
11.28. Already 5000 people gathered for a demonstration. Loudly chanting slogans against the reduction of spending on education and raising tuition fees.
11.35. Marsh has not started yet, but assembled a loud noise and shouting slogans.
12.33.Marsh is on the streets of London. No less than 30 thousand participants, but it certainly is hard to say: people in many
12.35. The demonstrators stopped in front of the prime minister in Whitehall, chanting "Tory - the bastards" and "Tori - out."
12.45. In the parliament building thrown a smoke bomb. The police formed barricades.
12.56. Demonstrators tore down barricades in Whitehall and filled the whole street.
13.37. Confirmed the information about the arrest of the Parliament building.The man twisted and taken into the car, apparently for trying to overcome obstacles.
13.38. About 100 people staged a sit-down strike in front of Parliament. They urge others to join, but the demonstration goes on.
13.46. Millbank building evacuated after reports about the threat of fire.
13.58. Sit-in outside parliament over. Marsh continues to go to Whitehall. Attended by at least 40 thousand people.
14.22. Millbank office and the Tories seized by the demonstrators smashed windows, police trying to clear a building, but swept away by a new wave of demonstrators.
14.26.About 2000 people gathered in the courtyard Millbanka. People crowding the police. Windows smashed. Incredible noise.
14.35. Thousands of people in front of Millbankom. Under the cheers came loudspeaker. Thousands of people continue to walk down the street from the parliament.
14.47. About 20 people climbed on the roof Millbanka with red and black flags and banners "Protecting Education
15.04. In the courtyard Millbanka police protects entrance, but near his windows smashed and people penetrate inside.The police completely loses control, Millbank taken. Riot policeman puts roadblock on the street, blocking the court, not allowing others to join the march broke.
15.08. New groups come to the police Millbanku and occupy positions of shattered windows. More and more people continue to go inside the building. Police use batons to fly her various subjects.
15.30. On the roof is 100 people. People at the bottom of chanting: "Tories - the bastards."
15.36.Many people have accumulated in front of the building. At the 4 th floor, three windows smashed. More and more people on the roof. The thin line in front of the police. Most people are not in the yard or inside the building.
15.37. Graffiti "Stop the cuts - to protect education."
16.26. Riot policeman clears the front of the Millbanka, police and the chain on either side of the building. Police use batons to throw it all falls under the arm.
16.46. The roof was empty. Cordon SWAT controls half of the courtyard.
15.57.Remain approximately 800 people. The sound system still works. Calls leave the yard.
17.10. The police from the lobby displays Millbanka recent student protesters.
17.17. Statement to "take over the roof:" We are against any cuts, and we stand in solidarity with public sector workers, all poor, disabled, elderly and working lyudom. We took the roof in protest against the commercialization of education, pressed the coalition government, and against the system, which is imposed on us by helping the rich and attacking the poor.We call for direct action against these cuts. This is only the beginning of the resistance against the destruction of our education system and public services. "
17.43. 2 more people arrested in the lobby Millbanka when police are trying to push the last group of protesters from the courtyard.
18.02. On the square in front of parliament has 2 banner: "Education Camp" (around 50 people) and "This is just the beginning."
18.18. The latter group is surrounded by police outside Millbanka. Others are scattered on the street. Reported the occupation of the building LSE.
18.43. The police slowly "sort" environment: after the identification of some released, others are arrested.
19.15. According to police, 32 persons were arrested and face charges.
Photo report: