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Moscow: against political terror roared more than 500 people

"2 years ago by Russia, a wave of terror against social activists and journalists. In November 2008 in Khimki, near Moscow, was severely beaten by the activist movement in defense of Khimki forest and journalist Michael Beketov unknown in Moscow was attacked by the Director of the Institute of Collective Action "Carine Clement, in Vsevolozhsk Leningrad region - the leader of an independent trade union concern" Ford "Alexei Etmanova, and Lotoshinskom region of Moscow - the leader defrauded real estate investors land area Sergei Fedotov.

Also in 2008, on trumped-up case was prosecuted and put in jail the leader of an independent trade union campaign Alrosa Urusov.And in January, 2009, were killed by well-known social activists lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova.

Now, according to an incident 2 years, none of the attacks on community leaders was not disclosed. Urusov serving time in jail, and crippled Michael Beketov 9 November 2010 was convicted of slandering the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

In early November 2010 had been brutally beaten by the activist movement in defense of Khimki Forest Constantine Fetisov and political columnist for the newspaper Kommersant, Oleg Kashin, who wrote about Khimki timber and other uncomfortable topics for the government.And in Zhukovsky near Moscow journalist Anatoly Adamchuk, who wrote in the newspaper Zhukovsky to "the problem of deforestation Tsagovskogo forest raiders tried to smash his head.

In late October 2010, after an intensive international campaign in support of them, were released from custody social activists Gaskarov Alexey and Maxim Solopov.However, they remain defendants in the case of the hooligan attack on the administration of Khimki, July 28, 2010, and they face up to 7 years' imprisonment, despite the fact that investigators did not have any evidence of participation and Gaskarova Solopova in the spontaneous action of popular anger at the blatant lawlessness associated with logging Khimki forest and repression against its defenders.

Any thinking man in Russia, it is obvious that there is a full-scale campaign to suppress the social activism and independent journalism, to intimidate people with active citizenship, not willing to put up with the lawlessness of the people and the outrage perpetrated by the authorities.

We, the participants of the meeting on 14 November, a long time can no longer remain silent.We can only scream and shout loudly that we finally heard.

We require:

To find the masterminds and perpetrators of attacks on civil activists and independent journalists.

To stop the illegal prosecution of social activists and independent journalists.

Close criminalcase on the events in Khimki, July 28, 2010, and drop all charges against Alexis Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and other community activists, appearing in the record.

Investigate cases of illegal cutting down of forests and Khimki crackdown on protecting its environmental activists, and punish government officials and big business.

Discontinue the practice of repression against activists of social and political opposition movements, as well as the opposition press. "

So the statement said the rally, held on 14 November and organized movement to protect forests and Khimki campaign for the release of hostages Khimki.The action was attended by over 500 people, representatives of various public and political opposition movements. Among the anarchists, also attended by representatives of Autonomous Action.

The main highlight of the rally was a noise that sounded in the beginning, the end of the campaign, and in between performances. The protesters whistled in whistles, played the harmonica, turntable rotated noisy, beat the drums, shaking the containers with coins.Because otherwise the authorities simply do not want to hear about the problem of many years of terror directed against social activists and independent journalists!

Journalists at the rally handed out newspaper Kashin " , gives two hundred names of journalists killed or missing since 2000 and more than 800 names of journalists who were attacked.

Alex Gaskarov, Khimki hostage and Autonomous Action Party, said that the so-called riots near xxthe Beijing Administration on July 28 should be held responsible authority, which narrows to limit the space for other manifestations of civil protest.

Another "Khimki hostage, Maxim Solopov told the gathering that President Medvedev and stop cutting down forests Khimki in late summer, and all European freedom and social gains have been paid with blood of fighters for freedom and social justice.

Friend and colleague, journalist Kashin Ilya Azar said that Oleg is very good at doing journalistic work- To create noise, for which he paid.

The representative of the movement to protect forests Khimki Jaroslav Nikitenko said that the victims of the attacks do not accidentally become one of the most active defenders Khimki forest.

A leading rally Eugene Chirikov, also an activist movement in defense of Khimki Forest, which gave a bouquet of flowers, once again demanded that the authorities find and punish the organizers and sponsors of the attacks on activists and journalists.


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