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Shares in defense Khimki hostages were held in Krakow, Paris and Nis

Krakow, Poland. In the evening on November 14 in Krakow, a demonstration of solidarity with the Russian social activists and journalists who have been persecuted for defending Khimki forest. Around 18.00 in the heart of Krakow's central square under the monument of Adam Mickiewicz were about 50 activists. Developed anarchist flags, banners were visible on the slogans on the final release of Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova, as well as requiring respect for human rights and freedom of speech in Russia.
Anarchists supported the Cracow group of drummers Samba Ka (Rhythms of Resistance).After the speeches, and giving a demonstration of about 1000 fliers went to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation.
The procession attracted the attention of passers-by play team Samba Ka. Demonstrators chanted slogans such as: "Solidarity - our strength," "Release the activists," "Stop the repression of the views!". At the consulate had been given a speech at the Polish and Russian languages. Krakow anarchists drew attention to the situation of activists, journalists and human rights in Russia.Demonstrators also reminded of the role of the so-called. "Demokraticheckoy Europe" in the name of geopolitichekih benefits of turning a blind eye to the excesses of the Russian authorities. At the end of the activists pointed out that the world needs real social change, in which freedom, equality and democracy are not just empty words.
Rally, organized by the Krakow section of the Federation of Anarchists, endorsed (other than the aforementioned group Samba Ka) of a group of anarchists from Silesia. Unfortunately, corporate and state media are not interested in protest.Apparently, these journalists have not heard of professional solidarity. But intimidation, repression and murder of his colleagues for the eastern boundary of no interest.
Paris, France. November 14 in the framework of international days of solidarity with the defenders of Khimki forest and activists of social movement in Russia in the Paris Louvre Museum Rally, organized by members of anarchist, anti-fascist and left-wing movement.Now in the Year of Russia in France in the museum passes and exhibition of contemporary Russian art, so the location and shape of the campaign were not accidental. About 20 activists unfurled a large central foyer of the Louvre panel and turned to museum visitors in three languages, informing them of the situation around Khimki forests and encouraging them not to remain indifferent.
Taking advantage of inattention, activists mostly managed to mount prefabricated panels, which was to be deployed during the campaign.However, at this point guard ochuhalas and tried to find out what's going on in parallel trying to stop the action. With a soft but assertive tactics of avoiding confrontation, enchantment teeth and protect the panels with their bodies, activists still have ensured that the action could proceed, despite the fact that the guards were trying to damage his actions the chief propaganda material. After the guards managed to gently push back with lying on the floor panels, it has been raised.
Activists turned to museum visitors through a megaphone - in French, English and Russian, they described the main events surrounding the protection of forests Khimki, harassment of activists and journalists, the French company Vinci participation in this project.At this point guard to stop interfering in the course of the action, but about 35 security guards formed a ring around actionists watching the procedure. Some guards wearing bright orange vests, seemed to attract additional attention to the campaign. Participants of the rally handed out leaflets to visitors of the museum in three languages.
On the expanded panel was depicted Khimki forest administration building of Khimki, as well as silhouettes of people - city dwellers, defenders of the forests, anti-fascists, journalists.Then the bulldozer appeared on a panel with the logo Vinci running of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and the trees began to rapidly disappear. After this, the anti-fascists were imprisoned in a cage, journalists pasted over their mouths, and the picture appeared contractors hired by the Nazis. Finished his speech activists call "not to leave the painting in this way", and called to stop the repression ofsocial movement activists and drop all charges against the demonstrators in front of City Hall Khimki July 28, 2010, which led to the suspension of highway construction project.
After this action was successfully completed, and its members quietly left the field of non-violent battle.
In the near future, France will take other actions of solidarity with Russian activists, including the campaign will begin against the participation of the French company Vinci Construction highway Moscow - St. Petersburg Khimki and cutting wood.
In French about the actions of solidarity can also be read on the site
Nis, Serbia.November 14 over the bridge Nis-Sofia in Serbia was hung a banner "solidarity with the Russian anti-fascists." This act of solidarity, shows understanding and participation of the Serb people in the Russian problems, especially given the situation with fascist sentiments in Serbia, where fascist parties tend to dominate.
As previously reported, the International Day for united action to defend Solopova Gaskarova and took the following action: on the Squareoschadi Lenin in Smolensk activists hung a banner "to drop charges against Gaskarova and Solopova" in Barnaul rally of solidarity held in Moscow against terror, political rally, "shuming.

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