The action of anti-fascists at Trinity Square.
Submitted by Редакция on 20 January, 2011 - 08:39
January 19, 2011 marks exactly two years since the assassination of anti-fascists Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Shares of memory and the protest took place on this day in many cities around the world. We remember the people who are victims of the Nazis, remember and continue to fight.
Antifa Petersburg held on that day a few shares. At 6 pm, under the slogan "Together against fascism!" Rally was held at Trinity Square. At the picket, which with great difficulty and with significant limitations failed to agree with the authorities received more than 200 people.People were holding candles and portraits of the dead. During the action, with the help of the projector, screen, set near the monument to the victims of his political repression, was shown a compilation of video clips and slides, dedicated anti-fascists killed. At the rally, despite fears of problems with the security forces did not arise in the social actions they did not intervene.