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This story started at the end of 2008. I was resigning from one company that deals with transportation between Russia and Ossetia. As many others – I was looking for a better job and I was also tired of working on “GAZel” (Russian mini-bus). I have chosen a large respected company – CJSC DHL International. Only later I understood that it is “a full fucking International”. I was thoroughly collecting all references and documents of medical examination as I have never worked before in such a large company. Moreover, I really appreciated the conditions I was offered: good car fleet, nutrition, official uniform, employment benefits, good stable salary. Just a dream! So I collected all the documents and fulfilled work during the probation period. I started to work and receive money for my work. First time I got very tired. Moscow roads – you understand. But I stayed tolerant as I was paid money! It was time for my first vacation in this company. I was allowed to have vacation, what else could they do – it is done this way almost everywhere.

I returned to work just before New year 2011. I didn’t have enough rest. That’s because of constant tiredness of overwork and hard situation on Moscow roads. Once I decided to ask if someone ever notices my work. No! Nobody does. Moreover managers think that nothing special is happening and for my salary I must dedicate myself to the company for indefinite number of working hours. And this way all simple deliverymen, drivers and sorters are treated.

After I expressed concern about managers’ attitude (staying in the traffic jam far after 6 PM), I was called on the carpet. Why? Because I did something that shouldn’t be done – that’s it.

And it all started… I was called by the manager of DON Moscow DHL station Tarasenkov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich. He told me in a simple soldierlike manner “if you want to work well – work, if you want to work bad – work bad”. So, no matter how you work, you work either well or bad. Notmuch or little”, but this way. And then what about the Labor contract with its officially declared salary and fixed working hours? Contract is invalid, if it breaks the acting legislation of the RF. 30 December 2010 I called the ambulance, because I felt that I was completely worn out because of lack of sleep. I went to a sick leave with hard over-strain. Insomnia and absence of appetite, constant headaches. The story didn’t finish with it. Since that moment they started to exclude me step by step from the DHL staff. I had nothing to do but try to get help from the highest management of DHL represented by Elena Petrova, the manager for personnel. She herself asked me to come to her. We talked at the presence of the companys lawyer. First of all they demanded that I explained my absence. I explained and confirmed everything. From our talk I got to know that started constant changes of my duties (bosses just wanted to do so) are called “diamond cuts diamond”. DHL documents’ statement turned to be really vague and I decided not to address for the time being any official bodies. I just started to act strictly in accordance with RF laws and RF Labor Code ( it is called “Italian strike”).

And here it all started! They continued to change my duties. They asked for explanatory note for everything. I refused all the time. Finally internal Security Service, that appeared as if they were waiting for such a case, applied physical force. Security Service was represented by Vrenev Alexander. A very responsible guy. One day police unit was called for me because I addressed the Labor Resistance web-page and because of the threats from this web-page from my supporters.

 I seated, wrote. They let me continue my work.

It is not the end! It is a fail for DHL. Because of my so called inadequate behaviour this very day Vrenev called ambulance crew from asylum. They came. They registered false call.

 They went away. Security Service was not satisfied with all this. There started a mess. Camera in telephone was recording, but I was kicked and dropped the telephone. Now I had to call the police. I wrote a statement. Good that I’ve got a stub. This is it for a moment.

I will be dismissed as many others in 2009. I will be threatened as they were. It is all because I refused to tolerate exploitation. It is because I didn’t keep silence. It is because I think that work should be fully paid. Because I follow RF Labor Code. Is it really so that our state does not need us, but needs only business that pays taxes?




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