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Anarchists from Barnaul, Russia need your help!

On night of February 1st, anarchists of Barnaul (Altai region) undertook a graffiti-action which ridiculed the members of today’s Russian “political elite” and compared them with parasites. It did not took long for state repressive apparatus to react. On the next day the officers of so-called anti-extremist police (CPE) broke into the houses of two libertarian activists – Sergey Sandin and Daniil Malishkin.

The guys were took to the police station and held there over 24 hours without any food, water and sleep. During this time the activists were exerted pressure (including physical one) for them to admit their guilt and disclose an information about other anarchists and anti-fascists. As a result of this pressure Sergey Sandin had an attack of asthma (the detailed story of Danil Malishkin's arrest arrest is here in Russian language and here autotranslated).

Later, the policemen searched homes of activists (searches were conducted with crude procedural violations), and took away some personal belongings of the activists (including such usual things as teacup, marker pens, sticky tape and so on), three computers and office equipment.

On February, 14 anarchist and antifascist Vitaliy Leonov was captured near his work and got to the police station. Now he is the third suspect in this case.

Although material loss from the graffiti-action was minor (about 25 EUR for “damaged banner”), and there wasn’t any evidence of the guys’ involvement in illegal activity, the anti-extremist police processed a criminal case against them. Now our friends are charged with “hooliganism, committed by a group of people for political reasons”. Maximum punishment on this accusation is seven years of imprisonment.

In this moment Daniil, Sergey and Vitali need money for lawyers (about 3000 euros all together). This sum is overwhelming for them, because two of them are still students and their families are not rich.

To get more information you can contact these e-mails and the guys will answer you themselves:

Daniil Malishkin

Sergey Sandin

Vitaliy Leonov

Just a month ago they organized a hardcore punk concert in order to collect money for orphanage. And now we ask you for a help, because anyone of us can find oneself under repressions.

Transfers for Barnaul anarchists under investigation:

Web Money
R883295499137 (RUB)
Z102747368586 (USD)
E329649787161 (EUR)

Yandex Money


Alfa-Bank (euro accounts – only for euros!)
Beneficiaru s bank Alfa-bank, Moscow, Russia


Beneficiaru ms. Gain Olga Aleksandrovna

Account number 40817978308960001123

Correspondent bank of beneficiaru s bank COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt am Main


Acc. With corresp / Bank № 400886894501 EUR

Alfa-Bank (USD)

Beneficiaru s bank Alfa-bank, Moscow, Russia


Beneficiaru ms. Gain Olga Aleksandrovna

Account number 40817840308960001497

Correspondent bank of beneficiaru s bank WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.


Acc. With corresp / Bank № 2000193651652 USD

You can also help DANIIL, SERGEY and VITALIY by dissemination of this information.

Thank you!

SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON! - here you can find this information in Russian, English and French languages.


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