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The story about the last festival day deserter - 2011 "

Hay-haw, boys! That was another festival day deserter 2011 " (DD-11), organized by Autonomous Action, and sympathizers. At 19 and 20 February in Moscow brought together anarchists, anti-militarist, anti-fascists and leftists just from different cities of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

The number of participants ranged from 40 to 150, depending on the activities related to the festival. Unfortunately, not so much as it was in the early days deserter ... Perhaps podkachala "advertisement" of the festival, and maybe just a war - not so much a hot topic as the struggle for social rights and freedoms, or anti-fascism.In any case, those who came to the festival were satisfied, received valuable experience, they saw old friends and gained new ones.

The first day was spent in an interesting lecture and heated debates. DD-11 opens the seminar, "Why I served / not served in the Army." Those who managed to "hang", shared their experiences with those who are to come. And those who have already experienced all the delights of military slavery, told what it is - give up his freedom in the hands of warriors for a year or two.I think in future we will integrate the available information into one booklet and will release something like "benefits Conscripts". And if you already pesters draft board, then I advise to write about their problems to the email address of Autonomous Action.
After the seminar, "served / not served," activists "Food Not Bombs fed the festival buckwheat, onion and fed seagulls. Have served as saying, feeding was better than the army. No one in this and no doubt. What is cooked by his own will and soul, will always taste better that is prepared under the lash ...

And lunch was followed presentation-discussion on "What should be the army."First, representatives of different political tendencies ("Autonomous Action", CD "Forward" and the representative of the liberal position), described how in their view should be arranged in the army. The representative of the "BP" laid emphasis on a historical excursion into the device Makhno's army, anarcho-syndicalists of the CNT and the Zapatistas. The main ideas of the report: the army needed to fight the forces of a State, the army must be completely voluntary, time and place of service must be determined by the employee and all posts in the army should be elected.Vperyodists said that military service should be held every "class-conscious proletarian" to fight against the bourgeoisie and to protect the achievements of the revolution. For the sake of "defending the revolution", they called for mandatory military service all in a row, but only 1 time in 19 days. Liberal is not told anything new. Named all futurologists and said that the wars of the future - a war of high technology (here with him all agreed).Accordingly, the army should be a contractual and professional. According to the liberal, 25% of all people rods from murder and war, and therefore these people should be a professional soldier and to fight. I personally do not mind that some professional assassin felled other professional killers with the help of high technology. But what if the government applies the professional killers to quell popular uprisings? Contractors serve for the money. They do not care about human lives. And if such an army would "trump card up his sleeve" of the state, this map will sooner or later, played the enemies of freedom and self-organization.

After reports of a heated debate.It is very difficult to convey all the emotions of the text. To better imagine how it all happened, look at the program "To the Barrier."

The next item on the DD-11 program was a seminar on "The measure of punishment - detention. How to behave and what to do if you were in jail. " Khimki hostage Lesch Gaskarov told what it is - a political prisoner in modern times, what difficulties you can meet and which stir up the base the cops.

His story went on Robin Hood 21 st Century Paul Delidon.After staying in jail for three and a half years, he scored proficient, and who shared with the audience.

The main thing that had to be drawn from this seminar: a prison - it's the same world in which we live, only without the possibility of long-distance travel. In some moments prison - far just and fair than the world behind bars, and you will not have any problems if you stay a man.

The seminar covered the first day of the festival.

On the second day, participants had to wake up early.The festival began with the exemplary practice of knife fighting. Everyone can try their hand in it. They used wooden dummy knives.

Camooborona - a right, not a privilege. We can not rely on the cops or warriors. Write something more - it is useless. It had to be seen.

Training has been replaced a lecture titled "Traumatic weapon: the pros and cons. Reporter Jack told how to legally acquire a traumatic weapons, which should help to shape and what tests should pass.Next followed the top-10 traumatic pistols and revolvers: what the pros and cons of each barrel, and where they can buy. After consideration of the report fell in buckets. It was clear that this problem is urgent and worries almost everyone. A complete overview of traumatic arms wait in the journal «Made in Moscow # 3".

The lecture was replaced by the next afternoon from «FNB». The second day was pleased variety of dishes. To choose a soup or pasta nautically (with soy meat).Thanks guys, for what to cook!

After dinner, followed by a movie screening of the film "War is easily arranged," the essence of which was that any war is in the interests of big capital. The film can be found here:

Cinema was replaced by a concert at which were the following groups: PolitZek (anarcho-chanson, Moscow), Ossnake (acoustic anarcho rap, Stary Oskol), No One Else (Mighty ostrosotsialny punk rock, Moscow), Revolution Engine (post-bardic song, Nizhny Novgorod) and Electric Guerillas (anarchic rock, Peter).But there is certainly better to see once than a hundred times to read!

Day 2011 was a deserter on Hooray! Thanks to all who participated in the organization, all groups that have supported the festival, well, and most importantly, everyone who came to participate in the DD-11. Without you, this festival would not make sense!

BP-Moscow party

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