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Non-economic distribution and political economy

This material editorial team has received from the author by email. The author holds the idea that the inaccuracy of many non-capitalist models of wealth distribution was the fact that the distribution of power has taken shape and goes beyond the economy. The author leads the reader to think that perhaps other - non-capitalist economic distribution of wealth, but how it should be, it does not specify. We hope that this will be done in subsequent submissions. We publish the material without any change in the text.The only thing we have changed this name. Author's name of the material - "Community and distribution."

Significant deficit of fairness and equality in society once "finally and irrevocably triumphant socialism" the most natural way fits into a long series, pursuing invariably the fighters for social justice, failure, fatal inevitability of the existence of which creates a precedent rule without exception. Cause deliberate hopelessness of all attempts to build a society where welfare would have to find a social science as political economy.However, many quite recently, obsequious commentators willful action that the builders of communism, the source of all his teeth against the granite of the proletarian political economy, argued today that such a science, they say, does not exist. With this, rather belated recognition can not disagree. Indeed, how could you imagine a proletarian physics or, say, the bourgeois math? That's how political economy, one of the leading social science, would have to find at least possible in principle to an acceptable resolution of the numerous contradictions in human society to our universal, not just the proletarian pleasure.
As the only means of improving the human self all the varieties of social justice activists, see only the non-economic distribution of wealth.It is highly desirable to clarify the effect of non-economic distribution of the nature of social and economic organization based on its share in the aggregate result of social production.Thus provides a tempting opportunity to find her such a value that will forever eliminate the inequities in human society.
Applied to based on private ownership society non-economic distribution can be divided into several characteristic regions.
The first of them has a clearly defined beginning in the form of a zero value.The complete absence of non-economic distribution gives private owners of unlimited economic freedom that will lead to a rapid deepening of stratification, social unrest, the spread of violence, deterioration in all spheres of human activity, spatially separated. Virtually eliminates the possibility of stable existence of a separate independent human community because of the emergence and rapid spread of economic and public relations platform spontaneous process.That's unlimited economic freedom turns into a huge disaster to prevent it from society. As the ratio of non-economic distribution of the degree of stability of society will increase. The first area is the use of non-economic distribution is limited to the minimum acceptable degree of instability of society.
The second area, therefore, with a minimum acceptable degree of stability of society begins. It includes the so-called "humane and democratic capitalism", resting on an invisible, but tangible economic barrier, behind which began to give significant failures vaunted production mechanism of Sweden.That is, the second region of non-economic distribution is limited to maximum allowable level of administrative intervention in the economy.
The third area, therefore, the least unacceptable degree of administrative intervention in the economy begins. It includes excessive non-economic distribution
as increasing degrees of underdevelopment of capitalism, then undeveloped, culminating in the Soviet system of centralized distribution of total aggregate result of social production.
Preferential use of the first area of ​​non-economic distribution refers to the earliest forms of so-called primitive capitalism, when society has not yet
come to accept the need to limit the masterful work of private owners. Violence can only preserve the integrity of such a society, cruelty, which should increase as the decline in the share of non-economic distribution.The rapid destruction of small and medium-sized enterprises, education giant, up to industry and not just monopolies will bring to naught the role and value of commodity-money relations, replacing them soon pervasive centralized distribution. That's two extremes in economic relations: the full economic freedom and the complete lack thereof, converge in one and the same lock-in poverty, degradation and disintegration.
Avoid the more or less successfully implementing many gloomy prophecies of the capitalist society will allow the transition to a more acceptable non-economic distribution, within which alone the existence of fairly stable based on private ownership of society as the most well-fed democracies. It is non-economic distribution is the very effective bridle that does not allow private owners in their reckless pursuit of profit move beyond that invisible line beyond which economic and social relations are rapidly gaining explicit signs of uncontrolled spontaneous process.
The third area of ​​non-economic distribution is used in cases of significant loss of capacity of social production (war, natural disasters, natural disasters, etc.). However, sometimes due to the restrictions themselves deliberate use of excessive non-economic distribution, when a society collapses on the road is paved with good intentions most obsessed with social justice activists.It turns out that the society that uses excessive non-economic distribution of spontaneously gravitate to such his condition, which necessitates the use of such distribution.
It is obvious that non-economic distribution has a huge impact on the character of socio-economic relations, changing them in a wide range: from the forms inherent in uncontrolled self-sustaining process, to - inherent in the system a total of centralized distribution.However, it does not provide a model of social order, superior to the perfection of its social and economic organizations "humane and democratic capitalism." Do not even have to talk about the social and economic relations, which is even remotely consistent with numerous descriptions of the incomparable advantages of such a socialist or communist society, so as not detected in either socialist, communist or non-economic distribution.That's how slim chance to find a share of non-economic distribution, which would without any ism once and for all eliminate the inequities in human society, soon became untenable. There is a clear failure of the non-economic distribution, pre-determined limits and viciousness of the ideas of socialist and communist illusory, and with it the emptiness of concepts such as socialism and communism.
Thus, the possibility of further improving the social and economic organization should be sought in the field of economic distribution.
B.J. Mach.

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