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The result of the economic crisis in Greece - 10 000 homeless

People who once had a high standard of living, educated but deprived of the economic crisis and unable to pay the rent below the poverty line. Until recently, prevailed among the homeless drug addicts, former prisoners, have no relatives or abandoned mentally ill people, but last year the situation has changed completely. According to unofficial information provided by a nonprofit organization Klimaka, the number of homeless people in Greece has doubled and amounts to 20 thousand people.Most of these people live in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras. Previously they worked in the field of tourism, security guards, sailors, technicians, but suddenly found themselves on the street without a livelihood.

Klimaka several years organizing in the early spring outdoor concerts, exhibitions of photographs and theatrical performances to raise awareness of the homeless. Hundreds of people gathered Friday night in the square Klafthmonos in central Athens during Sleep Out 2011, to express their solidarity with the people who every day face the harsh reality and start life anew with the help of volunteers from Klimaka.I talked about this issue and ways to solve it with Ada Alamou - coordinator of the program to support homeless people.

Who are the homeless people? Members of your organization have told me that their number has increased significantly since September ...

The problem of homelessness exists in Greece for three decades. Their number has increased markedly over the past few years, and the question was obvious. Among the most likely causes - the economic crisis and unemployment.But the change themselves homeless. These are people who live a normal life, but as a result of the crisis have lost their jobs and found themselves in this situation. No accurate statistics on the number of homeless people, but their number is estimated at 20,000 across the country. And it's not just those who live on the benches and the areas, but those who live in houses unfit for habitation. Most of them are in Athens.

What is the state policy on this issue?

In Greece, there is no institutional recognition of this phenomenon, ie,recognition that a person is homeless, not to mention the provision of social support, in addition, there is no corresponding social policies. There are no programs to combat homelessness, I mean giving people work and return to society. Therefore, this phenomenon is constantly evolving. Homeless people can live in shelters, but because no attempt is made to prevent this problem - health care, unemployment and other social problems - the people remain homeless and the number is growing steadily.

In your opinion how much increase in the number of homeless people since the beginning of the economic crisis?

I do not think that has doubled, but the fact that their numbers are growing - it's true.This highly educated people, who lived with dignity before the crisis. There are several areas of activity that the crisis has affected most of all - seasonal jobs and professions related to tourism, security guards, sailors, and technology. These people have psychological problems, they are not drug addicts, as is the case with other homeless people, and they have people who can help them if needed.If they find a job, continue to live as lived before. Much more difficult to have people on the streets for many years. They are devoid of optimism, and the problem lies within themselves. They begin to use the services, not taking an active part in anything. They have serious psychological problems and drug dependency, which is difficult to handle.

I understand that lost their jobs, people can easily find on the street ...

Yes, very easily.If a man loses his job and has no one who could help him if he has no money to pay the rent, that person turns on the street. The role of family is very important. The number of homeless people in Greece remains low compared with other European countries, but over the years, the situation is changing, because sometimes a person just no way out. You can lose your job, but to wait for someone else while the situation does not improve. But if there is nobody who can help, very hard.

What is the age of the majority of homeless?

On average, 35-40 years, most of them men.Age of the homeless can be anything. But the saddest thing - the people who were close to retirement age - 60-70 years. They are losing their jobs just before retirement and can not find a new one. Women among the homeless people in Greece and around the world occurs less because they rarely stop with family and friends. They are also easier to find a home. Society are more disposed to women and children.

What measures should be taken to solve this problem?

Given the experience of other countries, local governments could encourage landlords to give tenants the opportunity to correct his position, rather than chase them out.This applies to those people who got out of jail, mentally ill, with nowhere to go. As a result, they find themselves on the street. Most ex-prisoners who do not have family who could care for them, and become homeless. The same thing happens with mentally ill people.

Are there aliens among the homeless?

Yes, but they differ from local ones.Mentally ill people are not so much. Most foreigners living on the streets, came from certain countries. People from the Balkan states and Russia have problems with alcohol. But foreigners have serious help, they help each other and often live together in one apartment. Homeless people in Greece do not create group. Usually they are left alone, in pairs or threes. Lacks the support that assist each other foreigners, migrants and refugees.

Tell us about your organization and programs to help homeless people

We have a shelter and support center, which employs the doctors and psychologists.There they can bathe and get clean clothes. We also have an arrangement with the factory for recycling of paper, which employs workers from the orphanage and pays their salaries. We sent the mayor's office, which is open to any suggestions for improvement shelter, a number of proposals to extend the services provided, as they all are at the center, resulting in a kind of ghetto was formed. Once a week we are working on the street: distributing food, medicines and first aid.Greek society had already listened to this problem, as he realizes that it concerns everyone. Homeless people are not criminals, as had been assumed earlier. These are people who lost their home or family to make him lose.

In rural areas, fewer homeless people?

Yes, it is easier to keep your home, because people in rural areas are closer to each other. In Athens, more unemployed people are more alienated from each other. People without homes - is a serious social problem that can not be solved with the help of charity.The Greek government should recognize this problem and take necessary measures, covering the entire spectrum of the phenomenon. In addition, health problems and unemployment lead to the fact that a person is on the street.

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