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Russia: Parents of arrested anti-fascist Alen Volikov threatened with violence by police

Anti-fascist Alen Volikov, who is under arrest at Moscow's Butyrka pre-trial detention centre, was visited by police operatives on November 13, and subjected to psychological pressure to make him admit his guilt. Volikov's lawyer Farid Murtazin reported that the operatives made threats of violence against his family members. The officers said that they would not leave Volikov's parents alone, and would set Federal Security Service (FSB) officers on them.

After that, the operatives said that out of all three people named as suspects in the "Moscow anti-fascist case", Volikov would get the largest amount of charges, including charges under Article 282, Part 1 of the Russian Criminal Code (organising criminal community). Volikov's lawyer was not informed about the interview. At the moment, complaints to be filed with prosecutor's office are being prepared.

Volikov was detained on November 6 on suspicion of involvement in the December 2011 brawl at Moscow's Vozdukh club, as well as of beating up a nationalist. The venue's security guards, who were nationalists, attacked gig-goers at an anti-fascist gig, and then accused the ant-fascists of attacking them. A criminal case was started under Article 213, Part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (hooliganism committed by a group of persons). Moscow-based anti-fascists Alexei Olesinov and Alexei Sutuga were detained in February and April 2012 respectively. They remain in pre-trial detention, like Volikov. Investigators try to accuse them of beating up a young nationalist, but the charges were not yet filed. According to Sutuga and Olesinov, the victims signed statements incriminating them under pressure from the operatives, including FSB officers.

After Moscow's Tagansky court ordered on November 8 to take Volikov into custody until December 18, the anti-fascist declared a hunger strike, which he still maintains.

Source:, Nov 15, 2012

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