Solidarity is needed - please help to get Alexey Sutuga out from prison on bail!
Submitted by Редакция on 31 May, 2013 - 16:14
Member of Autonomous Action, anarchist Alexey Sutuga has been remanded for more than a year. Police has intentionally delayed the investigation, they were only working on the case for the first 2-3 months of the arrest, and since then investigation has stalled. Formally Alexey is accused according to statute "hooliganism" of Russian criminal codex, for having taken part to a fight during an anti-fascist concert. But officers of "E-center" (Center of Counteraction against Extremism) are open with the fact, that their goal is to imprison Alexey as an active participator of anti-fascist movement. Alexey has spent more than a year in jail without any kind of process.