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Greetings comrades ,

As part of other small A/A groups aka North Brigade & Aris fans Antifasist movement I can confirm all of the above , and way more actions the last few years have been performed by Aris fans and the respective fan clubs.

Mainly solidarity actions with refugees in camps around north Greece and borders as well as orphanages / kids infrastructures and Albanian people who suffered damages from the earthquakes .. ( just to name a few recent ones)

We try to keep our parts of the city as much clean out of nazis as possible, against the large and well funded ''army'' of Savidis' neonazis who have infiltrated paok fan clubs in west Salonica, even attacking squats & cooperativas as well as the fans of Proodeutiki Toumpas ( an amateur antifascist club mainly consistent of fans of Aris , Iraklis and even a few Paok fans)/

Hasta La Muerte Aris para siempre ! Refuse / Resist

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