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The Crowdfunding campaign of Autonomous Action is forced to end prematurely, donate until the 15th of September


On the 16th of August, we launched a crowdfunding effort to continue our online media activities in an environment, which is becoming more and more hostile.

We are committed to remaining in Russia, and to spreading anti-war and anti-militarist message within the country. We believe that you can only observe and understand the general mood and emerging trends in upcoming protest waves against the war and regime from within the borders of the country. And they will definitely come.

However, we have been informed by Firefund, that their payment provider is about to terminate the service. Thus, Firefund is forced to end our campaign early. 

The last day to make donations is the 15th of September.

The good news is, that all the donations will be charged, even if the crowdfunding goal is not reached. However, missing our crowdfunging goal
due to the premature end of the drive will be a big setback for us. So we ask you to please spread this message to get us as close as possible to our
crowdfunding goal. 

You can find more details about our crowdfunding campaign, and to donate to our crowdfunging drive here.

Today there are only six more days left for you to do that!


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