
18-year-old anarchist Lyubov Lizunova transferred to a prison colony in Tomsk

Source: Anarchist Black Cross Moscow

On February 14, Lyubov Lizunova, a defendant in the Chita Anarchists' Case, was taken out of Pre-Trial Detention Center No. 1 in Chita in Russian Far East. The three-week transfer route passed through Irkutsk and Mariinsk in the Kemerovo region of Siberia. On March 2, Lyubov informed her parents that she had arrived at the juvenile correctional colony in Tomsk.

‘You could call me a partisan.’ Ruslan Siddiqi recounts his anti-war actions

Ruslan Siddiqi

A Russian and Italian citizen, an electrician from [the Russian city of] Ryazan, an industrial tourist, a bike traveller, an anarchist and a partisan – all this can be said about 36-year-old Ruslan Siddiqi. In the summer of 2023, he dispatched four drones with explosives to attack the Diaghilev military airfield near Ryazan, and in the autumn, he decided to act “from the ground” – damaging railway lines with two bombs and derailing 19 freight train wagons. Siddiqi is currently awaiting trial in a Moscow pre-trial detention centre, with the prospect of a life sentence hanging over him.

What 2024 Brought: "Trends of chaos and order," episode 190

Hey everyone! The year of 2024 is coming to an end. During these 12 months, there's been as much bad as good. All that has happened needs to be thought about and analysed, as the one who doesn't understand the past won't have any future. That's why we decided in the year's last episode of "Trends" to collect the four most popular episodes from the year and freshen up our memories of what happened, how, and what we thought about it.

The podcast was released in Russian on December 30 and was translated by our volunteers.

No smoke without fire: "Trends of chaos and order," episode 186

Hey everyone! We're continuing our weekly podcast "Trends of chaos and order." This is episode 186. It's prepared by the Irkutsk Anarchist Movement. These are the events from last week that the authors found interesting. The podcast was released in Russian on December 2 and was translated by our volunteers.

Listen on SoundCloud (in Russian)

Overthrowing the authorities: "Trends of chaos and order," episode 187

Hey everyone! We're continuing our weekly podcast "Trends of chaos and order." This is episode 187. This time, we'll be talking about Syria, Georgia and Russia. The podcast was released in Russian on December 10 and was translated by our volunteers.

Listen on SoundCloud (in Russian)

Anti-fascists Alexander Snezhkov and Lyubov Lizunova, who were sentenced to 6 and 3.5 years for their anti-war position, need help and solidarity!

On April 25, 2024, the 1st District Military Court in a visiting session in Chita sentenced the antifascist Alexander Snezhkov to 6 years, and the antifascist Lyubov Lizunova to 3.5 years in prison. Snezhkov was found guilty under the article on vandalism motivated by political hostility because of a graffiti "Death to the regime". Both were convicted under articles on calls to extremism and terrorism. 

What Does Putin Want?

Shortly after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Putin outlined five goals for his war: Ukraine’s non-alignment with NATO; a change in Ukraine’s government; a severe limitation of Ukraine’s defence capacity; the seizure of Ukrainian territory (with international recognition); and the lifting of Western sanctions on Russia.

Listen in Spotify. 

Fundraiser for the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui’s legal defence

The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is accused of attacking the Dyagilevo military aerodrome, using quadcopters, and of damaging railway lines (in Ryazan region) that were used to transport military equipment and fuel to the Russian army in Ukraine.

Anti-War Human Rights Initiative Solidarity zone launching a fundraiser to pay for the next six months’ work by Ruslan’s lawyer. For six months’ legal work we need to raise €4290.

Presentation on the Russian anarchist and anti-war movement in the third year of full-scale war

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war activities are presented, as well as strategies of support for political prisoners, and modest successes in supporting their struggles.

Listen in Spotify. Video embedded below. 

Fundraiser for the defence of anti-fascist Yuri Mikheev

Yuri Mikheev is an anti-fascist from Lobnya, just outside Moscow. On 10 November 2023, he and a friend were detained on the territory of a military unit in the Moscow region. The FSB accused the young men of planning to set fire to military equipment. A case was initiated under criminal articles regarding "preparation for sabotage". Yura faces up to 10 years.

In support of comrades in Ukraine

Alongside the general decline in attention to the war in Ukraine, a so-called "internationalist" position has been visible in the anarchist milleu in Europe. Basically, it consists of two points: the first rests on the equalization of the forces of the aggressor and the invaded country, presenting this conflict as yet another capitalist war in which one cannot take sides; and the second is based on the view that NATO wages war against Russia, in which Ukraine is seen mainly as an opportunity for Western countries to fight Russia at the expense of Ukrainian lives.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

9 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

9 months ago