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Solidarity zone: What did we do in February?

Throughout February, like the previous months, we worked day in and day out, covering the persecution and providing support for those accused of anti-war activities. We were so immersed in work that we did not notice how the shortest month of the year ended. And now, with a little delay, we rush to tell you about the results of February.

In February, the participants of Solidarity Zone:

  • identified the whereabouts of seven prisoners accused of anti-war actions and preparations for them: Bogdan Abdurakhmanov, Boris Goncharenko, Valeria Zotova, Anton Smolyaninov, Dmitry Mikheev, Sergey Karmazin, Anton Platov — now they can be supported by letters and parcels;
  • organized an initial visit and questioning by lawyers of seven prisoners accused of anti-war activities; based on the position of the prisoners, we took possible steps to provide support;
  • continued to provide various support to 11 prisoners: Anton Zhuchkov, Vladimir Sergeev, Vladimir Zolotarev, Igor Paskar, Kirill Butylin, Ruslan Zinin, Andrey Bogdanov, Roman Nasryev, Mikhail Balabanov, Oleg Vazhdaev and Ivan Kudryashov;
  • told you about what happens to those who are arrested and gave you ideas about how you can help them;
  • gathered annual statistics about persecution on allegations of radical anti-war actions and preparations for them.

Also, thanks to you, we collected 4700 euro to pay for a lawyer for Ruslan Zinin.

In addition, in February we spent:

  • 2740 euro for initial visits by lawyers to prisoners, ascertaining the fate of the persecuted person and paying the lawyer's labour to defend the arrested person at the initial stage;
  • 650 euro for parcels, letters and replenishment of the account for prisoners;
  • 45 euro for technical expenses.

Behind the figures of this report is an invisible daily work: the participants of Solidarity Zone monitor the news, look for the data of those arrested, finding out the pre-trial detention center and temporary detention facility in which they can be held, search for lawyers, arrange visits to prisoners in places of detention, communicate with defenders, relatives of prisoners and the prisoners themselves, organize fundraisings, maintain social networks and do much more to support those who are incarcerated. At the same time, all participants in Solidarity Zone work on a volunteer basis. To partially compensate for our work, we started Patreon

You also do a lot — those who distribute information about prisoners, about our initiative, who writes letters and sends parcels, who shares information, who donates and calls for donations. We wouldn't have made it without you!

How to help Solidarity Zone?

With faith in mutual aid, your Solidarity Zone



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