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Yuri Neznamov: a passionate 3D artist was tortured for confessions

Yura is an antifascist and opponent of authoritarianism from Yekaterinburg, detained on August 31, 2022.

He is engaged in Thai boxing and studies computer technologies of graphic design. Yura is a talented freelance designer, recently he has been doing 3D modeling and drawing models for games and cartoons.

Yura is also interested in Spanish history and culture, the Spanish language, scriptwriting, and cinematography (he loves the TV series "Game of Thrones"). Very fond of nature and traveling, he will be happy to share his memories with you and will be impressed by your stories. A kind and modest person, from him you will never hear too much, for him work is of great importance. He is very easy to talk to, jokes a lot, and will support any topic.

A day after his detention, Yura described the threats and torture by the operatives: "They made me squat 150 times, beat me on the back and head, put a bag over my head and started strangling me, put a cloth over my face and poured water on it, then electrocuted me, threatened to kill my family, made me shout that I love Putin, threatened to rape me.

Yura is charged with Article 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "participation in a terrorist organization" + part. 1 Art. 30 part. 2 Art. 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "preparation for a terrorist act" + part. 3 Art. 223.1 "the illicit manufacture of explosives as part of an organized criminal group + part. 4 Art. 222.1 "the illegal storage of explosives or explosive devices as part of an organized criminal group". The young man denies his guilt and calls all the charges absurd. According to these charges, he faces from 15 to 30 years in prison.

Yura together with his lawyer is actively seeking an investigation of torture, but so far without success.

Recall, a year ago six anti-fascists from different cities were detained and accused of terrorism. Тhe support team runs a Telegram channel dedicated to the cause in Russian.

We call on all those who are not indifferent to support the fundraising to pay for the lawyers of Yura and other defendants in the "Tyumen case". The guys have been in pre-trial detention for more than a year and they will face trials on the merits of the case. Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers in these sessions and they will not be able to cope without you! Now is the time to show solidarity and lend a helping hand to the victims of Russian repression - only two weeks are left to reach the fundraising goal, which is still very far. We thank every concerned member of our large community for your support. You are our strength! Solidarity is our weapon!

Address and donations to the support group in the material in Russian

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