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"obviously, tangible proof of Dima’s nationalism did not exist"

The problem was not its nationalism but its ethno-differentialism, which is the main concept theorised by the Nouvelle Droite (New right, ND) since the 70's. Nouvelle droite started as a rejunevation of fascism after may 1968K They adopted the point of view about "cultural war" and adapted it to fascism : they ingenuously reversed the meaning of words, racism becoming "the right to cultural difference", apartheid becoming "respect for cultural differences", establishing the refusal of cosmpolitanism, that is to say of mixed race, as an attitude revolutionary. These ideas were shared by Dima as for example we can read in his text "I am russian, i am antifascist" (excerpt and liink below)

"The ND opposes multiculturalism and the mixing of different cultures within a single society, opposes liberal democracy and capitalism, and promotes localised forms of what it terms "organic democracy", with the intent of rooting out elements of oligarchy. It pushes for an "archeofuturistic" or a type of non-reactionary "revolutionary conservative" method to the reinvigoration of the Pan-European identity and culture, while encouraging the preservation of certain regions where Europeans and their Caucasian descendants may reside. Concurrently, it attempts to sustain the protection of the variance of ethnicities and identities around the globe, defending the right of each group of people to keep their own lands and regions to occupy. To achieve its goals, the ND promotes what it calls "metapolitics", seeking to influence and shift European culture in ways sympathetic to its cause over a lengthy period of time rather than by actively campaigning for office through political parties. "


De Benoit [main Nouvelle Droite theoricist] long adhered to ethnic nationalist ideas although sought to develop a form of nationalism that deconstructed the nation-state.[74] GRECE [the name of the Nouvelle Droite organization] promoted the replacement of the French Republic with a "federal republic of French peoples" which would in turn form part of a wider ethnic federation of European peoples.[74] According to the ND, the ethnic-region would not have need to establish draconian laws against immigrants who were ethnically different, but would have impenetrable cultural barriers to keep them out.[74] Ideas about such a regionalised federal Europe are akin to those of earlier far right and fascist thinkers like Drieu La Rochelle, Dominique Venner and Jean Mabire.[74] In his analysis of the ND's beliefs about their ideal future, Spektorowski states that any society established along the ND lines would resemble apartheid-era South Africa, would be a form of totalitarianism based on the politics of identity, and would be "a permanent nightmare for old immigrants and for political and ideological dissenters".[75]


A blatant evidence of Dima ethno-differentialism in his text "I am russian, i am antifasicst"


Я - русский! Я - антифашист! - Мои статьи - Каталог статей - Язычество против фашизма (


Уже миллионы слов сказаны антифашистами о ксенофобии, о ненависти к евреям, таджикам, азербайджанцам и многим другим народам в современной России. Однако у такого омерзительного явления, как национализм есть и ещё сторона, о которой редко приходится слышать от товарищей по движению, – это русофобия – неприязнь или ненависть к русским и русской культуре.

            В каких же формах в нашей стране существует русофобия? Её источником часто становится некоторые националистически настроенные представители иммигрантской молодёжи (и не только молодёжи). Нередко приходится слышать об историях, когда разного рода шпана с лозунгами типа «Кавказ – сила! Кто не с нами, тот под нами!» нападала на русских, или всячески их дискриминировала и унижала. Такие агрессивные и сплочённые толпы не редкость для московских окраин. Есть и другие, более «интеллигентные» формы того же явления. Так, один мой товарищ – студент-анархист из Киргизии, который учится в России, рассказывал, что среди его земляков, проживающих с ним в общежитии, довольно широко распространены националистические, исламистские и антирусские настроения. По его словам, дело доходит даже до создания организаций «тюркского единства» и т. п… Есть и ещё одна «деликатная» форма дискриминации, связанная с религией: во время моей недавней поездки в Краснодарский край местные сельские жители рассказали мне, что хотя в их станицах межэтнические столкновения давно позади, иммигранты продолжают жить в них брачно замкнутыми сообществами. Если и случаются смешанные браки – то русскую девушку берут замуж и, согласно патриархальным законам, «забирают» в свою общину. При этом брак женщины-иммигрантки на русском мужчине и её «переход» в общину русских – фактически под запретом. Такие порядки характерны для турок-месхетинцев, азербайджанцев и ряда других исламских и не только исламских народов.

I am Russian! I am an anti-fascist!  (2008)


Millions of words have already been spoken by anti-fascists about xenophobia, about hatred of Jews, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis and many other peoples in modern Russia. However, such a disgusting phenomenon as nationalism has another side that one rarely hears about from comrades in the movement - Russophobia - dislike or hatred of Russians and Russian culture. ...


In what forms does Russophobia exist in our country? Its source is often some nationalistically minded representatives of immigrant youth (and not only youth). We often hear about stories of various kinds of punks with slogans like “The Caucasus is strong! He who is not with us is under us!” attacked Russians, or discriminated and humiliated them in every possible way. Such aggressive and united crowds are not uncommon in the Moscow outskirts. There are other, more “intelligent” forms of the same phenomenon. Thus, one of my friends, an anarchist student from Kyrgyzstan who is studying in Russia, said that among his fellow countrymen living in the dormitory with him, nationalist, Islamist and anti-Russian sentiments are quite widespread. According to him, it even comes to the creation of organizations of “Turkic unity”, etc. There is another “delicate” form of discrimination related to religion: during my recent trip to the Krasnodar region, local villagers told me that although in In their villages, interethnic clashes are long gone; immigrants continue to live there in closed communities. If mixed marriages happen, then a Russian girl is married and, according to patriarchal laws, “taken” into her community. At the same time, the marriage of an immigrant woman to a Russian man and her “transition” to the Russian community is actually prohibited. Such orders are typical for the Meskhetian Turks, Azerbaijanis and a number of other Islamic and not only Islamic peoples.


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