Beaten during interrogation by Khimki case complained to the Prosecutor General's Office

From the words of staff, he realized that his staff interrogated by the FSB. Pakhotin not refuse to testify, but his answers did not suit the investigator, so it continued to provide moral and physical pressure. Only two in the morning Alexander was transferred to the ATS N2 Khimki. At six o'clock in the morning Pakhotin awakened and asked him to sign some papers that he had forgotten to sign. Do not understand what he signs, Pakhotin put his signature.

In the "cage" ATS N2 he spent the night and day, 22 August and one more night.Duty ATC Khimki refused to send to friends Pakhotin his whereabouts, and they could not give him food and clothing. August 23 Khimki magistrate ruled on the administrative offense, which was allegedly committed Alexander Pakhotin the night of 20 to 21 August in the streets of Moscow region. He was sentenced to a fine of 700 rubles to the article "hooliganism" (st.20.1 Administrative Code of RF). At this time Pakhotin was in Moscow, and took him to the Khimki night of 21 to 22 August. But the court ignored this fact. When the judge began to consider a second case of an administrative offense Pakhotin (unsanctioned picketing on July 28 about the Administration Khimki), Alexander said that the testimony was given after delivery to him of physical impact and asked to postpone the process, giving him time to find a lawyer.The request was granted, the court held on 31 August. It is reported by the Press Service of the Campaign for the release of hostages Khimkinskiy from August 26, 2010.

Alyaksandr Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 near the platform "Rest" (Zhukovsky city) together with 70 other visitors a charity concert.Administration and law enforcement authorities feared that the youth group plans to organize a protest due to the fact that environmentalists Zhukovsky refused to agree on a meeting. Police suspect Pakhotin involvement in the movement "Antifa".

Additional Information: tel. +7 (915) 053-59-12, , ,

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