The charges against the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have been toughened

Recently, the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have received the final version of the charges. According to the support group, in letters to relatives and friends they write that the investigation committee has added two further offenses to the «terrorism» charge:

  • «the illicit manufacture of explosives as part of an organized criminal group» (part 3 of article 223.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which envisages between fifteen and twenty years of deprivation of liberty

  • «the illegal storage of explosives or explosive devices as part of an organized criminal group» (part 4 of article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which can envisage between ten and fifteen years of imprisonment

This means that the other defendants of the case will also bear responsibility for the self-made explosive device found in the possession of Kirill Brick and Deniz Aydyn. The support group does not know not know how exactly the investigative committee explains this circumstance, but the wording «as part of an organized criminal group» already indicates that it considers Brik and Aydyn’s actions as being coordinated with the other defendants.

The articles on the «organization and participation in a terrorist cell» (Article 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and «preparation for a terrorist act» (Part 1 of Article 30, «a» Part 2 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) also remain in the charge.

That means that all defendants of the «Tyumen case» – except for Kirill Brick, who made a deal with the investigative committee – face at least fifteen years in prison. At the same time, Yuri Neznamov, Danyla Chertikov, Deniz Aydyn and Roman Paklin face a maximum possible sentence of thirty years, while Nikita Oleynik faces life imprisonment as the «organizer of a terrorist cell».

Let’s recall, in late August, early September 2022 six anti-fascists from Tyumen, Yekaterinburg and Surgut have been detained, subjected to torture and accused of terrorism.

Firefund calls on all those who are not indifferent to support the collection of money to pay for the lawyers of the defendants in the «Tyumen case». The guys have been held in pre-trial detention for over a year, and they will face trials on the merits of the case. Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers in these sessions, and they will not be able to do that without help!

Crypto wallets:

ETH: 0xF9EB840b76786C783c515dc8EBe3071Dc937D8f7
Monero: 45GCsPoiEMaGMDQiEFoX5D8FhGF1fonSEGCVAUCQGz2zEzXTPwicpyGhjjZYiS3NGGaCNNX2GtiZsSy5ew2ZU7cUQcaa3kT
BTC: bc1qqdwjqd4umnc74e95hgek85aj55wws3c4wrwa33

PayPal ABC Moscow: (specify «Tyumen case» in the transfer description)

The addresses of the defendants of the «Tyumen case»:

Deniz Alattinovich Aydyn, born in 1999
Danil Germanovich Chertykov, born in 1994
Yuri Evgenyevich Neznamov, born in 1995: 42, Yalutorovskaya Street, Tyumen, 625000, Russia, pre-trial detention center 1.

Oleynik Nikita Vitalievich, born in 1995: 627100, Tyumen region, Zavodoukovsk, 29g, Perevozkin Brothers St., pre-trial detention center-2 (recently transferred). 

Roman Vladimirovich Paklin, born in 1997: 627130, Russia, Tyumen region, Zavodoukovsky urban district, Lebedyovka settlement, Lenina street, 1, Regional Lebedev psychiatric hospital.

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