At this point in Western Finland, on Cape Olkiluoto built the world's largest experimental nuclear rector of the type of EPR. In other Western European countries this type of reactor is considered too dangerous, and in Finland, the Government decided to build 2 new reactors.
In protest against the building, and the government's decision, which ignores the protests of the population against the new nuclear power plants, a number of environmental organizations and local residents announced on August 28 the Day of protest against nuclear power plants. The activists have decided to block the road leading to the most dangerous nuclear power plant of the country - Olkiluoto.
In Olkiluoto is 2 old type reactor BWR, as well as the construction site of a new experimental reactor EPR.At the same cape, practically on the shore of the Baltic Sea, will be the final disposal of nuclear waste - despite the expert evaluation of Swedish experts, which states that this place may be an earthquake.
The blockade Olkiluoto started at 6.00 am. Buses with the activists from the major cities of the country gathered at the intersection of state highway and roads "Olkiluodontie, leading to the Cape with the NPP.As it turned out, the keepers of law and order, too, have the desire to block this road, and not let the activists in the direction of nuclear power on the road. The blockade took place at the intersection of roads from the highway.
To block all entrances to the plant, the protesters were divided into 3 groups. One stayed on the main road. People danced, played music, sang, cooked, played games and chanted slogans against the NPP and against the Minister Pekkarinen, responsible for the decision on new stations.3 times during the day activists blocked a state highway for a few minutes - with cries of "We are forced to block the state highway, because you do not allow us to go to the NPP.
Meanwhile, the other 2 groups reached on Forests to the remaining two entrances to the station, and chained and iron pipes to each other arranging additional 2 blockade. For several hours until reinforcements arrived and police special equipment, nuclear power plants was blocked. Then the police withdrew the additional blockades and people who refused to leave the territory, was arrested.For disobedience of orders of the police arrested a total of 30 people.
During the siege the police behaved very correctly: keep calm, kept talking with the parties (local residents), calmed drivers who threatened to run over to the activists. After the blockade, local activist even invited the police, "which is also likely in the off-duty time does not support nuclear power plant to participate in tomorrow's seminar Swedishexpert on disposal of waste.
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