Happy new year, new prices!

New Year's holidays - a perfect time for most to escape from all sorts of problems and worries. Under the idiotic to the level of Christmas television shows and in no way different from last year's presidential address citizens really do not even think about what they would expect in the coming year. Insight, and someone protrezvlenie, is only a week later, when it comes time to pay utility bills, and you have to hold out until the next paycheck.

How will the coming year to behave in the price of food and other essential goods.Most experts on the consumer market note that the appreciation will outpace inflation. It is not excluded that the increase in consumer prices will be even higher, as yet unknown how reverberate planned on 1 January 2011 the growth of tariffs for communal taxes on salaries and increase the excise tax on gasoline.

Which took effect in the excise on petrol each year will increase by 1 ruble per 1 liter. At the same time the next two years will increase the excise tax on the ruble a year, and in 2012 will rise by 6%.In 2011 is indexed as an excise tax on alcohol - 10%, however, raises the minimum retail price for vodka produced in Russia.

The unprecedented rise in food prices will be caused not only by increasing excise taxes on gasoline, but also in prices for electricity. Also from 1 January 2011 abolished the regulated and unregulated fares. Prior to that, the producers had the opportunity to negotiate with power suppliers and establish reduced rates, but with the new year they will lose this opportunity and are subject to the dictates of power engineers.

As noted by the Minister of Agriculture Skrynnik rise in food prices continues, and the most serious improvement - in buckwheat, which for the year increased by 80%, and the potato: its prices increased over the year a record 100%. Appreciation other products on According to the minister is not so painful."For example, butter - 22%, milk - 15-19%", - told Skrynnik.But this excuse for someone like.

Animal feed price hike provoked by years of drought, will lead to higher prices for beef. According to the head "of the Meat Union" Mamikonian in the first half of 2011 will be higher prices for beef. "Beef can grow to the end of 2011 by 15-20%, and the peak increase would be in the spring" - says Mamikonyan. Appreciation will reduce the consumption of beef in the country. The Russians present a good opportunity to replace in the diet expensive alternative types of beef meat - poultry and pork. Rising prices of pork is unlikely to exceed the inflation growth in 2011, it is more expensive for no more than 7 - 8%.Bird - about 3%.

The rise in prices will affect fish and seafood. "In general, the price of fish and seafood by 2011 will grow by 11-12%", - predicts German Zverev, president of the Association of Pollock. "

In addition to the food "will love" the Russians prices and other essential consumer goods.

Traditionally, since the new year will rise to excise taxes and tobacco products. "Height excise from the beginning of the year will provide higher prices for 3 rubles for filter cigarettes and by 5 rubles for bezfiltrovyh - predicts the head of the branch information agency" Russian tobacco "Maksim Korolev.- Due to this average price on the market will grow from 24 to 28 rubles. "It is possible that higher prices will be even more serious, and for the year will amount to 15-20%, the expert said. One important reason - tightening legislation: in 2011expected to adopt technical regulations of tobacco, the total for the EurAsEC countries.

Drugs will not save and also to rise in the new year. "Prices for vital drugs are regulated by the state, so the maximum increase of no more than 8%, - said director general of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Producers Victor Dmitriev. The remaining drugs could grow by more (15%), but a sharp rise in the producers do not expect, provided that all macroeconomic indicators are stable.

This season the price of clothing were approximately 15% lower than in the past, "says Daria Nuclear, an analyst at Esper Group.Since it is expected that demand will grow significantly, sales of clothes raise rates: in the spring and summer (March), they grow by 10-15%, experts predict. More expensive would be to dress in the autumn: from September 2011 prices will rise by 20-25%, expects Nuclear.

With regard to communal, then the first day of the new year, Russia's population will begin to pay for electricity and gas, even more than last year.Gas price will rise twice - from January to 5% in April - a further 9.5%. The cost of electricity for the citizens will increase by an average of 13-15%.

According to economists, the increase in food prices will be one of the main risks to the domestic economy in the new year against higher taxes, tariffs and the possible depreciation of the ruble. As in the past year, in February-March 2011 is expected to peak of social unrest in the regional centers .Of protest activity and the population will actually depend on the status of the pricing policy, few protests forced the authorities to take appropriate measures at the consumer market.

Paul Drummers,


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