On the evening of may 17th, some dozen acivists gathered in the office of the anarchosyndicalist workers' union FAU in the center of Jena, Central-Eastern Germany, for a ''Long Night of Solidarity'' to get informed on the repression and torture against our comrades in Russia and Italy. There were presentations on both cases, that are similar in the aspect of the use of anti-terrorism operations and fabricated accusations against political activists. Another similarity is the authorities' cooperation with the yellow press, that has in both countries been embedded in the repressive campaign.
Alongside the information event, people donated money for the legal costs of the trials in Russia, bought shirts and bags in support of the ''Rupression''-campaign and shot a solidarity photo as a digital postcard to our friends and comrades in Italy and Russia. > Free them all! <
Keep yourself updated on the now ongoing trials in Russia via https://rupression.com/en/
and on the Italian case via https://325.nostate.net/tag/operation-renata/