Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Today on the 11th of February from 4 till 5 p.m. near the embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow there was a picket in support of antifascist Jock Palfreeman. In the action anarchists, including members of Autonomous Action, Confederation of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalists and International Workers Association took part. Members of the picket unwrapped the banner: «Life is an argument - against Nazism!» and two posters, one of them with the title: «FREEdom for Jock PalFREEman!» and another one with quote from the song «Our 14 words» of hardcore group What We feel: «Love and respect, tolerance, equality and brotherhood despite the skin color and wealth’s level!»

Anarchists shouted: «Freedom for Jock Palfreeman!», «No to justice despotism», «No to fascism!», «Fascism will fail!», "No to fascism of all hues: from gateways to authorities!", «To be antifascist means to be human!», «Self-defense is not a crime!», "Solidarity is our weapon!", "Until we are united, we are invincible".

Life is an argument - against Nazism. Nowadays it’s not accepted to talk about Nazism, despite the fact, that murders motivated by ethnic hatred have become common. Almost everyone could be a victim of the Nazis. And anyone who understands the origins of the problem of nationalism has anti-fascist views. But shall we protect the life of other if it is on a knife’s edge? Today we fought for Jock Palfreeman, a man who could stand up for others' lives, risking his own life, when on Dec. 27, 2007, he saw a group of people who attacked two young Roma men. When seeing the group disperse, Jock rushed to check the health of the young boy that didn't manage to escape. A fight occurred, during which two of the attackers were injured, one – deadly. According to investigators, Jock himself attacked a group of people in order to murder them, and the group of attackers automatically became the victims. Victims give conflicting testimony, the witnesses of what happened are not polled, and video CCTV system for some reason can not be dealt with in court. All these facts lead us to fight for liberation of Jock, who received a sentence of 20 years imprisonment, 3 years of which he has already served in the Sofia Central Prison.

Before making a decision on the appeal, which was filed with the court's decision remained a week, you can sign a petition in support of Jock Palfreeman here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/freejock/

In addition, it is very important for imprisonedperson to feel that he is not alone, that someone fights for his liberation and what he did, is not condemned. You can write a letter to Jock using the following address:

Jock Palfreeman

Sofia Central Prison

21 General Stoletov Boulevard

Sofia 1309, BULGARIA



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