I'm ready! Are you ready?
Setting fire to cars during the night cops?
It's like a rule of life, a sign of good taste
For those for whom the law - refuse.
This chorus of the song "Ready" group "Barto", with which Moscow elektropank-team spoke at the rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on Pushkin Square on August 22. Yesterday, the boys got a call from police department of Moscow - musicians suspected of extremism.
"3 September, we called and urged to come to Petrovka 38, to give explanations to the text of our song" Ready "with which we made in Pushkin Square on August 22 - told the" New "vocalist Maria Lyubicheva.- Today, we contacted a lawyer. Next week we'll go to Petrovka, and we will find out what they want from us. On the phone told us that our actions in Pushkin Square - "bad" that all this can be associated with extremism, and we are facing paper. What will happen next - will become clear after the examination.
Recall: August 22, at a rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on Pushkin Square were also made by Yuri Shevchuk and Kate Gordon.The musicians played without a sound system - the police are not allowed to smuggle it into the square.
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