Prosecutors were horrified prisons

Prosecutor General's Office learned that over 90% of Russian barman sick, in particular tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV, and prison doctors are unable to cure. Procuracy inspection prison was in the 80 regions. In dealing with violations of the director FSIN Alexander Raymer given month.

On Wednesday, prosecutors made a presentation of the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Raymer. According to the Office, the prosecutor's reason was a large-scale verification of Russian prisons and detention facilities (PTDC)."Attorney General's Office reviewed the performance requirements of the legislation on the right of convicted persons and persons in custody, to qualified medical care", - stated in the department. On the removal of these disorders in Raymer, according to the law, there is a month.

Judging by the results of the check, health situation in Russian prisons is critical. Prosecutors visited the prison and remand prison in 80 regions of the country. As stated in the report, over 90% of prisoners and convicts have different diseases, including tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV.In this case, according to prosecutors, almost one tenth of a complaint or a prisoner convicted for improper medical care. "The conditions in which host medical unit, are poor and do not organize properly the healing process, equipping medical equipment does not meet current standards" - the report said.

Problems of medical services in prisons prosecutors explain the lack of funding.For example, in 2010 it from the state budget was allocated only 24% of the required amount, and the regional authorities are virtually absent in co-financing the prison hospital.

The plight of the health of prisoners often hampered investigations. During the five months of this year, found in the prosecutor's office, interrogation and court hearings were postponed more than 1,5 thousand times just because of the poor health of the accused and the accused. "However, the investigating authorities have changed the security measure only 71 accused in connection with the lack of opportunities for health care facilities penal institutions", - stated in the Prosecutor's Office.

The results of testing of the prosecution informed President Dmitry Medvedev, who also monitor the implementation Reimer against his views.

This is the second submission made by the head of the FSIN last month.Earlier, prosecutors revealed massive irregularities in the old Moscow jail "Butyrka". Testing began shortly after the scandal with the death in prison lawyer Sergei Magnitskiy.In July the Prosecutor General's Office found that the cells are overcrowded prison, the walls are amazed fungus, and the staff ignored the complaints of prisoners. In the Moscow administration FSIN then stated that they agree with the claims of prosecutors and will soon take the elimination of violations.

But this time in the central administration office categorically refused to comment on the results of a new test. However, previously head of the FSIN and do not deny the problems with healthcare in the prison system.

In July, Deputy Minister Nikolai Krivolapov said that 340 thousandfrom 846 thousand prisoners in correctional institutions are suffering from any illness.

"The picture is horrifying and sickening though no" - he said. According Krivolapova, 15 thousand prisoners syphilis, 40 thousand - the active form of tuberculosis, 67 thousand have mental disorders, and 55 more people infected with HIV. As a solution to this problem Krivolapov offered to withdraw from the authority of the prison medical staff leadership jail and colonies.According to him, in future it is planned to run an experiment in the Tver Oblast and Leningrad Oblast and the Ministry of Justice directly subordinate to doctors.

"It's time to do it. I am glad that all such checking was carried out, she began to numerous requests of human rights defenders and relatives of the prisoners. Of course, nothing new, it has not shown that all the known facts ", - said," "member of the public council at FSIN Valery Borshchev. According to him, make representations in connection with the plight of sick prisoners and prisoners should employees not only prisons, but the UPC, and the courts."After the decision to detain sick people do not take FSIN staff, and investigators who seek to petitions and the courts that they meet" - human rights activist said.

To further prevent such violations, he said, Moscow will set up a commission, which will include human rights defenders and representatives of the Moscow health department. "The agreement with the FSIN is already there, we'll go around the detention center and to analyze the situation and the quality of medical services.The last straw was escorting the prisoner named Grigorian in Dagestan, contrary to our statements. The man was suffering from diabetes, a bunch of other endocrine diseases, from his throat bled. We have said that he simply will not make that convoyed him illegally, but the leaders of the Moscow FSIN we ignored. We are still trying to figure out what this man "- said Borshchev.

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