Spain: CNT-AIT general strike

Use information released by the National Confederation of Labour of Spain (CNT-AIT) into a general strike in the country took part in 74% of workers in some industries such as metalworking, chemical industry and energy, was attended by about 90%. All Spain was paralyzed by the protests, demonstrations and barricades. In some cities there have been clashes with the police, is injured and detained. Barcelona. From early morning, the strikers formed a picket teams that passed through the city, stopping work, where it tried to resume.Disrupted traffic, stopped 5-th subway line (the most lively). The protesters partitioned off streets and erected barricades.


By 12 o'clock the pickets of the districts converged on the Plaza Catalunya, where there were 2 to 3 thousand people. Three vans of police special forces blocked the demonstrators way to Rambla de Catalunya, part tried to break through, the other moved away to University Square, where once blazed machine "City Guard."

Clashes with police erupted, the demonstrators dispersed and began to erect barricades.Police stormed the building of the bank "Credito de España", the protesters seized on September 25. The whole evening at the center continuously clashed with police in which the barricades thrown all that came to hand.

At 5 pm, CNT began a demonstration on University Square.More than 3 thousand people came to protest against the intolerable conditions of reform imposed by the government. Demonstration of crossing the streets, heading for Subdelegatsii government, where they held a final rally. When the demonstration down the Via Laietana, it at full speed, without giving audible signals hit a police van, injuring several people, resulting in the procession had to stop.

CNT issued a strong condemnation of this act of police repression, stating that the workers have risen to fight can not be intimidated.Some of the participants in getting on the tail goes down the same street later demonstration CGT. Walking behind her, anarcho-syndicalists built along the entire street Layetana burning barricades. At Cathedral Square demonstrators were dispersed by the police for what again followed clashes with riot police. Police fired rubber bullets, police threw objects. Has been injured and arrested.

By 7 pm the center of a picture of chaos: filled with debris (as city garbage men on strike), the streets were illuminated by bonfires and burning police cars.People threw stones, sticks and debris in various institutions and the regime came into collision with the police.

Source Photo Report Video Betansos.In a joint demonstration and CNT trade union "Labro" in the streets of the city participated in up to 300 people.

Source Bilbao. CNT rally on the occasion of the general strike began at the Plaza Sirkular at 10 o'clock in the morning, then joined by various left-wing trade union activists.The total number of protesters reached 400. Anarcho-syndicalists were chanting slogans for the strike and the struggle of workers - without subsidies and freed profbyurokratov. Handing out leaflets to passers.

On the half hour was blocked by street Gran Via, the main transport artery of the city. The rally ended at 13.00. At 7 pm, at the call of CNT, the area Bidet-Oner began the demonstration, which cut the main streets of the district Barrakaldo. In the course of the demonstration chanted calls: "A perpetual strike," "are on strike until they fall," "If you do not fight today, tomorrow it will be slavery," "They call it democracy, but it's not," "Dignity is not for sale.At a rally on the square Bidet-Oner delivered by Comrade Enrique Hoz. He was named head of local government "puppet banks and entrepreneurs." As we know, any such government.

Source Photo Report Valencia.From 10 am, members of the CNT and other unions have organized a picket in downtown, blocking the work of a number of shopping centers. "Corte Ingles" is under massive police protection. Source Valladolid. The strike was attended by 83% of city workers. Workers with the night began to Picket in industrial areas. Particularly active were the pickets postmen, city garbage cleaners and printers (the latter was attacked by police at the entrance to the printer, but, despite the use of strikebreakers, many stalls were left without papers).

The enterprise Michelin police dispersed a rally of 40 people (including those organized by the activist CNT), 3 people were taken to hospital.Clashed with police at a bus station, only to 7 am the police managed to hold back scabs, however, the buses went very late. The picket was organized by members of the CNT of 100 people, with 8.30 blocked access to various businesses and institutions in the area Argales, and then moved to the area of Delicias, where the number of supermarkets.They blocked access to the shops "Gadis", "Merkadona" and others handed out leaflets in this traditional working-class district. Then replenished with new members, has grown into a picket demonstration, which marched into the city center and completed a protest in front of the National Institute of Employment.

In the evening, CNT activists took part in a demonstration of official trade unions at the Columbus area, forming their own bloc in the 1000.Anarcho-syndicalists called for an indefinite strike and independent trade union organization. Later, in the Plaza Mayor, they come off the official route and moved to the area of Fuente Dorada, and then to the cathedral, before which held a spontaneous meeting. By Comrade Pedro Serna encouraged workers to organize and fight. Source Photos + Videos

Cartagena.At 10 am, activists of the anarcho-syndicalist union seized the central post office of the city. About 30 members and supporters burst into the CNT him, shouting: "Perpetual general strike!"

Compostela. Industry and transport were paralyzed by the strike. Employees of the local Junta acted as strikebreakers. Manifestation of the CNT and the left-wing trade union activists gathered thousands of people and was a success.During the 15 minutes prior to the police attacked the picket CNT; 10 people were injured.


Cordoba. Industrial action anarcho-syndicalists in the city began the day before September 28. In the evening members of the CNT, organized a picket at the exit from the landfill de las Kemadas, and then took part in the rally grew into a spontaneous demonstration on the main streets of the city.

Sept. 29 workers were on strike for most industries and services were on strike.The strike was total in the municipal sector, the central market and among the scavengers. At 4 am an anarcho-syndicalists joined the obscheprofsoyuznomu picket at the entrance to the Merkakordova "without missing a truck. Then they had to help the workers bus station, who put a picket, not allowing buses to travel on the line.

Later pickets CNT dispersed to various industrial and business sites, and members profsektsii on EULEN took part in a demonstration in front of the company ABB.Then the protesters moved into the city center and joined the picket at the "corte Ingles". There have been several clashes with the police and private guards. At 12 o'clock the anarcho-syndicalists in the block "Platform against the crisis took place in the ranks of trade union demonstrations. Then again they stood in a picket at the bus station, which lasted until 8:00 pm. Source

Cornelia.Police detained three protesters from the CNT. They were later released, but charged. Logrono. During the clashes with the picketers, police arrested two members of the CNT and a member of the Workers' Commissions (the latter was later released). During the detention they were beaten. Source Madrid. The first pickets of strikers who took to the streets at night and early morning, accompanied by violent clashes with police. The first attack of "detention order". The first wounded ... ... The first arrests of protesters erect burning barricades and take the fight.In shtreykbreherskih buses hit the glass and breaking doors. Video

Comrades from anarcho-syndicalist trade unions took an active part in the strike pickets. Thus, in the south of Madrid, Leganes, pickets, organized by members of the CNT, joined the pickets of other workers, and blocked in 5 - 7 am, the bus company, "Martin." Clashes broke out with riot police, who protect the strikebreakers, brought down the baton on the head and body of protesters.Those in response to burning barricades erected, without giving buses to pass. Arriving firefighters extinguished the fire, but the protesters continued to surround the bus and literally hung on them, preventing them from moving around. At 10 am, protesters from the CNT and other unions blockaded the entrances to the shopping center "Plaza Nueva" in Leganés, and then marched down the main street, blocking traffic, until we reached the area of Spain, where the meeting took place. Burning tires blocked the movement of trains in Leganes.

In the afternoon profsektsiya CNT exhibited informational picket at the hospital, "Gregorio Marañón".CNT activists participated in the pickets, and many other institutions and enterprises - wherever the anarcho-syndicalist trade unions have the section.

In the vicinity of Atocha, in Cuesta de Moya, a group of about 60 anarchists gathered at 6 pm for a rally under the slogan "A strike of workers: self-organization and struggle."They immediately attacked the police commandos who took the demonstrators and passers-by in the ring and began overhauling posters. After the violent protests of the police removed the environment, and the rally could continue.

Mataro. During the demonstration, arrested 6 members of the CNT

Olot. At 5 pm, CNT held a demonstration in front of Piazza Santa Esteve. Meeting with participation of 150 people began to read the manifesto of the trade union; This was followed by street demonstrations.The participants chanted: "Let the crisis pay for the bankers and the rich," and "Union, action, self-management, closing the road are shops. The procession passed under breaks firecrackers. Source Hospitalet de Llobregat. As the strike took part in 80% of workers. Informational pickets anarcho-syndicalists cruised through the city, urging more open shops to join the strike and explaining the purpose of presentation. At 13.00 CNT held a rally on the square F. Macià. Speakers talked not only about the labor reform, but also about the complicity of the official trade unions, called on to continue the fight and after the strike day. Source

Palma de Mallorca.The picket was organized by a common platform of trade unions (with the CNT), interrupted the work "Corte Ingles". In a demonstration involving the CNT and the left trade unions took about 2,500 people.


Salamanca. CNT activists participated in demonstrations obscheprofsoyuznoy evening as part of an "alternative bloc."It went about 250 people (mostly, anarcho-syndicalists). Strike pickets acted very aggressively, but overall, the number of strikers was not great.

Barricades, blocking roads and block buses but many firms are forced to change hours of operation. Earlier, about 12 hours, CNT has organized its own demonstration involving approximately 100 people. On the way, participants partitioned off the streets and closed shops and working institutions.

Source San Sebastian.Industrial action anarcho-syndicalists began at 7 am with organizing pickets in the surrounding industrial zones. At 11.30 was held obscheprofsoyuznaya demonstration in which the anarcho-syndicalists and the various left-wing trade unions have formed their own bloc. Source

Zaragoza. Traffic in the city was almost completely paralyzed, but most of the shops in the busiest quarter of the city to work.The police repeatedly tried to detain members of pickets. CNT members picketed the firm «Delicias». At 7 pm, anarcho-syndicalists marched through the streets. It was attended by about 500 people.


Teruel. Industry of the city was almost completely paralyzed by a strike, but the hotels and shops, despite attempts by protesters to shut them down, mostly to work.At the entrance of Teruel were erected barricades of burning tires, and it is possible to block traffic in some places. The demonstration was very militant, in the block "of the Assembly against your crisis" (in the front ranks of the unit were members of the CNT) was going about 120 people.

Huesca. Strike, primarily in construction, education, and scavengers. However, in the city center are shops and banks. Anarcho-syndicalists have participated in the strike and organized the evening alternative demonstration, which started from the quarters of the trade union, which served as the information center.

Ferrol. In the city, clashes broke out in the morning the participants of strike pickets with police. Barricades were built. Among those arrested during the clashes were 2 aktivista CNT. During the detention they were severely beaten and one was wounded by a rubber bullet. They were later released. The city is completely paralyzed on strike.

Jerez de la Frontera.CNT members were detained during the informational picket. In the city were shut down almost all the shops.


Anarcho-syndicalist union also held rallies and demonstrations in Almeria, Vitoria, Granada, Caceres, Manresa, Merida, Sabadell, Ciudad Real, Elche and other locations across the country.


Related links:

CNT held a demonstration in Madrid against the labor reform and reductionascheny in the public sector

The Conference of the International Association of Workers

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