St. Petersburg: March 31. Anarchists blocked Nevsky Prospekt

March 31, anarchists and activists from the War marched on the carriageway main thoroughfare of St. Petersburg. Despite all efforts, the repression and persecution by the repressive structures of action took place. This march was a direct alternative to the meetings of politicians and Dvortsovry Gostinka, traditionally held in the framework of the Strategy 31. We were not against and not for the Strategy 31, and to demonstriratsii politically biased and genuinely disturbed people from expressing their opinion is not going to the paddock for the opposition parties.We went out to fight for their rights regardless zavisitmosti on their availability in the Constitution.

"We deliberately did not join the members of Other Russia, DPNI, NBP and others who participate in monthly" Strategy 31. "We do not need notice to arrange a meeting or procession, we have conducted and will conduct them when we want" - said one of the protesters.

The demonstration, which began on the Fontanka River, was held under the slogan: "Come out, bring us a city", "All States - concentration camps», «No passaran, the death of garbage!".A few minutes later, after the action began, participants were surrounded by superior forces of riot police. In the sky hovering police helicopter. Recovered from the unexpectedness of policemen, including the clown characters from the center of "E", rushed to detain activists.

Against them have been used a secret weapon from a group of war - the bottle with cold urine. However, this tool could not "cool" raspoyasovshihsya dubolomov.During the clashes, pissing cops were arrested 8 people, 6 of which were delivered in 78 police station where they spent the whole night.

Message from the detainees:

14:22 Reports from the detainees out of the 78 th OM: they are beaten.

We're still in the 78, only now are the protocols. night was bad: we have a goat is a headache pill we were not given, lied to, that an ambulance was summoned. at some point goat went to the toilet and asked to call the doctor, after which both of us began to forcibly dragged into the camera. Kose nearly broke his leg, female element zhirdyay beat us to keep in his cell.

In the morning, a goat forced to sign a paper that she beat up the experiment, tore his clothes, which pizdezh then was the story that I propalili phone, pulled out of the chamber, and two elements of motherfuckers I started searching for his mentoshabashe in the presence of an additional 8 elements, few of whom were drunk. phone certainly is not found, but abused and filmed on camera.

Called official aunt, who also did not find besides, the whole night in the Department of someone severely beat him, we thought the guys, but no.There were shrieks and screams, crying. Scary. We did not understand who we are now driven in 199 courts, but a goat, and strike just want to bring back to accidentally heard on the phone. Need this to do something to feed Kose Kasper urgently, but we do not even know where he is. trying to give him milk, but do not give. Il

Continue to be in the 78m separation.

Leon on the phone negotiating with each other cops heard the information that is now all going to take in 199 court plot after me, and Lenya returns.At night, I spent 2 hours requested to call an ambulance, request was not implemented.

I have a headache and I lost consciousness. eventually I was released into the toilet. After that I again demanded medical care and said that it's difficult to be in the chamber. The employee began force me to shove. I put her foot between the door and the jamb. The employee began to break my leg door, kicking it with his foot. As a result vypinul, grabbed my clothes and dragged into the camera.

In Trom took with me an explanation about beating a police officer, although I have to it even did not touch.I have repeatedly requested to inform me information about where and with whom is my child, with whom I have been separated during the arrest. The staff refused to disclose. The defender admitted to us he was not.

Also during the night was made ​​illegal search without a protocol and understood me and Ira Putilova, for the search of mobile phones, while Il searched male officers on the way to the toilet.

I still do not know where and with whom my child is, the defender is standing under a door 78go and it is not allowed.I request this information. Thanks to those who made ​​us peredachki. Koza

15:50 we are with the goat escaped from a Cop gazelle on his way to court. Leni also tried to escape, it is not clear that with them.

The next day, all detainees, including activists of war were released.

We will win!

VIDEO: (1) (2)

Photo report:


[Employee CPE Spb Gorov detained and beaten the girl]

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