The third number of theoretical publications of the Union of Revolutionary Socialists 'maximalist'

Of Cracow ate in the light of the new number of theoretical publications of the Union of Revolutionary Socialists "maximalist" of this issue: "Overcoming anarchism."

In this issue:
An urgency to whether anarcho-syndicalism in the XXI century? - CDS
Struggle and Strategy: anarcho-syndicalism in the XXI century - Solidarity Federation
Forget about nizovschine - Subversion
Or are the trade unions us stronger? Cindikalizm: a critical analysis - Anarchist Federation
Kyrgyzstan - CDS
To the situation in the Caucasus - CPC
On the book of John Updike's "Terrorist" - CDS
Anarchism, Marxism and class struggle - Revol (
CrimethInc.Policy for those who are too bored - Weeler (
On the revolutionary discipline - Nestor Makhno
As an "anarchist" with the Stalinists "teach the workers self-management - CDS
Cooperatives or conflicts - Debate on
Against the self - CPC

Download 3 room "maximalist" can be right here!

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