Tunisia: The country had a coup, the president ran (fotovideootchet)

Events are developing in Tunisia with kaleidoscopic rapidity. After several weeks of mass protests against unemployment and poverty, the ruling regime in the country collapsed, the president and all the major capitalists fled the country. President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled the country, presumably to Malta. According to the Associated Press news agency the power in Tunisia captured by the military. At the same time, an official statement made by Prime Minister Mohammed Gannuchi. He announced that the head of state, promised to uphold the Constitution and restore stability.

Simultaneously, the Qatari television channel Al Jazeera reported the arrest of an international airport, relatives of the second wife of President, which the opposition accused of embezzlement of public funds.

According to latest information, the authorities do not control the situation nor in the capital, nor in other cities. Despite the declared state of emergency and curfew, the crowds of young people walking the streets and krushat everything in its path. Burning buildings of banks, some government agencies.

Police did not actually intervene in the situation, fearing reprisals.

The situation worsened during the day in Tunis on January 14, when the opposition rally turned into a riot.Peaceful protest quickly degenerated into riots and attempts to storm government buildings. Police used weapons, and the president to dismiss the government and imposed emergency rule.

As reported by BBC, a few hours after Tunisia's President Zine al-Abedin Ben Ali has promised to allow in the country, some civil liberties, the residents of the capital have decided to test it in practice.Around 7,000 people came to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and demanded the resignation of the president.

Rally to demand democratic changes quickly escalated into riots. First, the crowd began to throw at police gas canisters, and then part of the building MIA chose to retire. Simultaneously, the area began to be heard gunshots, then the situation is completely out of control.

To stop the riots, police used tear gas, trying to drive away the rebels from the government building.In response to young people in the crowd began throwing stones. Part of the opposition leaders immediately moved to the building of the Central Bank of Tunisia and tried to take it by storm.

Riots in the country began on December 17, 2010.: The seller of green shot himself after he was barred from trading on the street without a license. This was followed by several suicide suicide (26-year-old street vendor Mohammed Bouaziz burned himself in protest) - and took to the streets a thousand people, outraged the arbitrariness of power.

Some analysts believe that the spiritual leaders of the rebellious youth were rap artists: El General, Malek Kemira and Lak3y - authors ostrosotsialnyh popular songs.Thus, Hamad Ben-Amor, nicknamed El General, was arrested last week.

Events in Tunisia will be the stern warning for all the corrupt authoritarian regimes, particularly in the Arab world.On the streets of Tunisia dominate the popular crowd, which according to some reports, fraternize with the soldiers.

Revolution in Tunisia was the result of mass unemployment, corruption, bureaucracy and the ruling Cop lawlessness. Unrest began after a December 17 a man had committed suicide due to the fact that the authorities did not allow him to engage in selling vegetables on the street (as are all familiar with!). Following this, the country has been committed by a few suicides, and people took to the streets. When the authorities began to use force against the people, beat and kill protesters said the attacks on government offices and police stations.

The revolution was not organized by any particular political party or force.According to news agencies riots were the result of self-organizing network of people through facebook and twitter. With their help unemployed youth, agree on common actions. Videos zapechetlevshie events were laid on Youtube, and thus see not only the inhabitants of Tunis, but the entire world.

Finally, the significant role played by exposing Wikileaks. Edition of Foreign Policy sees the events in Tunis, the influence of exposures WikiLeaks, arguing that the dispatch of American diplomats highlighted the details of the monstrous corruption in the country. In the published letter states that power belongs to a narrow circle of elites, which has turned into a mafia clan. Although it was not from anyone special secret, assumptions have been substantiated and reinforced public anger against the authorities.

It is already clear that such events could happen now, anywhere in the world, from neighboring Algeria (which has already spread to these disorders), and Egypt to Belarus, where at any moment.On the other hand, it must be remembered that although the network technologies have increased opportunities for popular self-organization, without the alternative of the existing reality of ideas and no immediate structural organization of government workers in businesses and neighborhoods, without going all power to the national assembly, the overall situation is not change.

If the case and will not end the triumph of the military, the slight easing in matters of civil rights is still not change the overall depressing situation of the oppressed the majority of Tunisia. The same applies to any other country in the world where there are or may occur similar experiences.

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