In Tyumen, a rally was held against the cutting of public money on construction of the underpass

In Tyumen, a rally was held against the cutting of public money on construction of the underpass at the Drama Theatre. He became the highlight of the political life of Tyumen, with dignity completed a month, and on mass, perhaps, surpassed all neproplachennye street protests in recent years. Organized by the Public Resistance Front saw cut (OFSR), which included including local anarchists and a group of AD-Tyumen .

People started to catch up on for about a half-past four. They immediately divided into interest groups, including on grounds of "who visited which sites."But at five o'clock, when the organizers started to connect the PA system, all the groups came together and gathered in a semicircle of steps Drama Theatre. In general, at a rally attended by about 200 people (other estimates Media - 150 and 250).

Unfortunately, the amplification has brought and had to be content with a megaphone. But the theme of the rally was immediately clear to all approaches - right on the parapet of the Drama Theatre, seven-hung a banner "No saw cut public money!".

First, the facts were presented about corruption in road construction.For example, the only company AerodromDorStroy (ADS) account for slightly less than a quarter of the city budget Tyumen. In this case, all conducted tenders for construction of roads and subways were conducted and carried unopposed. According to Diamond Zakieva, head of roads in the Tyumen region, due to the fact that in addition to ADB no other companies willing to build in the heavy conditions of Tyumen.According to the same activists OFSR, Diamond Zakiyev is one of the main beneficiaries of the current corruption situation in which the estimates overstated at times, but the difference is put in his pocket.

So it was, for example, with an underground passage in the street Permyakova that scandals have built more than two years, spending only on official data of the Accounting Chamber about 400 million rubles (at the same time the construction of comparable subways in other cities costs about 35-100 million rubles ).The audit also found more than 30 million rubles stolen from the ADF budget.

So it was this year when the ADS has received an order of 1 billion rubles from the city budget for milling and asphalt paving. That money had been disbursed very specific. About 60% of the roads, milled DT, were in good condition, but the quality of the Laying new asphalt makes many Tyumentsev doubt. Cutting the budget in its purest form.

Same thing with the new subways, which are starting to build outside the Republic and who became a formal reason for the rally.Official estimates for this transition - 305 million rubles, but this amount is not final, as deputy somersault under the conducting, the government passes a month before the start of construction suddenly moved to 200 meters. Naturally, there are no examinations at the same time not spent, but Zakiyev said that, apparently, the estimate will increase. The choice of this particular site is also in doubt for Tyumentsev. Published in the network statistics on injured pedestrians is given in section of road length of about 600 meters.In this case, at the crossroads of traffic accidents involving pedestrians were not, that is, the statistics have been prepared manipulative. All the victims simply crossing a road outside of crosswalks. In this case, in Tyumen, there are many other really dangerous junctions where pedestrians knocked down with a fatal outcome.

The next speaker is an opposition journalist Viktor Yegorov, who expressed the hope that the elected representatives to hear firstgive birth and to stop the construction of the transition to public hearings and will be engaged in the eradication of stealing money from the budget.

Further, the anarchists under general approval played a scene in which unnamed officials "sawed" budget, and then shouting "I want money, I want money" and "give me a sawed budget" they chased a man with a face like a Zakieva, armed with a chainsaw.

Andrey Kutuzov was made (motion "Autonomous Action"), who told her about the merging roles official business and in our society when abuse their authority first becomes a de facto second.He called for self-organization and the national control authority.

Were at the meeting and two presentations of art group G.O.P.P.A.K. ("Urban public reception to them. Kropotkin Peter's), the first with the song, the second with a dumb sketch devoted to saw cut the budget.

Speaking social activist, head of the TOC five district Nina Saratov offered directly at the rally to announce the creation of the Coordinating Council of initiative groups in Tyumen.Such grass-roots citizens' association on the principles of equality should be the first step to the first public control over budget spending, and then to direct local government officials and residents with no deputies. Contact wishing to participate in this project were collected directly at the rally.

Performed and other activists and concerned people, talked about the problems associated with corruption in Tyumen.Note that no government representative or "Aerodromdorstroya" did not bother to go to the people and answer questions. Whether disdain, or fear.

At the end of the rally gathered adopted a resolution which will be sent through all possible channels of local and Russian media, the president and prime minister, the regional prosecutor and the Attorney General. But the main result, of course, & nbsp; not these letters, and establishing contacts with iinitsiativnymi people to further continue the fight.

At a rally attended by journalists from all local Internet portals, as well as from the mainstream media.

Resolution of the meeting:

  1. Announce the establishment of the Tyumen Council of Social action teams (working title), which will coordinate the efforts of grass-roots community initiatives in Tyumen, initiate a discussion of public control over the expenditure of public funds, in particular budget.
  2. Demand to hold public hearings on all matters related to the large spending budget money.
  3. We demand that the governor of the Tyumen region Yakushev dismiss Diamond Zakieva as a man mired in corruption scandals. Waiver of dismissal Zakieva will signal failure Yakushev decision-making.
  4. We demand to stop construction of a pedestrian crossing on the street. Republic and to hold public hearings on this issue.

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