On Wednesday, April 13, students of Lviv held mass protest "against the degradation of education", which was attended by no less than 4 thousand people. Everything began with the rally near the monument of Ivan Franko, where students painted posters, writing on the stands of their grievances and demands to the Ministry of Education and conducted the orchestra rehearsal protest.
Around 12.45, students formed a column and with a banner "No degradation of education!" Moved in the direction of the Regional Administration to convey to the authorities their demands.In the administration building students are not allowed. They left the head of the Department of Education and Science Lod Bregin Michael. He accepted the demands and promised to consider them.
The basic requirements of students - a repeal of the current wording of the bill on higher education, increase stipindii to the subsistence level, etc.
This action was carried out under the All-Ukrainian campaign "against the degradation of Education," directed against the current version of the bill "On Higher Education" predusmatrivayuschego commercialization of education.
Organizers of the rally warned that if their demands are not met, the protests will continue throughout Ukraine.
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