Festival program published: Welcome to Father Frost Against 2020 - festival

«Дед Мороз Против»-2020

Father Frost Against is a cultural and political festival, focused on critical thinking, reflection and development of new activism strategies. Held in Helsinki, Finland from the 3rd to the 5th of January and organized by local activists, as well as participants from Russia and the post-Soviet space.

The aims of the festival are to redefine social and political fields, through the exchange of information on experiences with successful projects and strategic planning. Networking and connecting with like-minded people, involving new participants and guests in the festival agenda and development of a new language to indicate current and relevant issues is also a focus.

The festival is held in cooperation with various grassroots, horizontal initiatives, libertarian, left-wing and anarchist communities. Active participants are representatives of trans /queer /LGBT communities, feminist initiatives (intersectional feminism, cyberfem, leftfem, decolonial feminism), anarcho-communities (including post-anarchists, eco-anarchists), independent media, human rights organizations and representatives of NGOs. Also participating - environmentalists, philosophers, practitioners and theorists of contemporary art, developing participatory projects, political activists and representatives of alternative self-organized associations.

The festival will be held at several venues simultaneously and planned as a synthesis of various forms of participation: music program, inputs, lectures, performances, workshops, discussions, presentations, video projects, performative practices.

Festival program published: https://avtonom.org/sites/default/files/store/dedmoroz2020programen.pdf

Information about all festival events will be public. Lunch and dinner will be free for foreign guests of the festival. All food will be vegan in order to be as accessible as possible.

The festival locations will be: Museum of Impossible Forms, Oranssi ry, Club Kuudes Linja. and Ulrika. All locations are accessible spaces.

Event in FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/2450861888569493/
Event in VK: https://vk.com/dedmorozprotiv
WWW: http://en.dedmorozprotiv.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKhsD1O30BooGiMyWgd2Gg
Telegram: https://t.me/dedmorozprotiv

Additional information: dedmoroz@riseup.net

PDF icon dedmoroz2020programen.pdf48.04 KB

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