Siberian sentence for self-defense, anti-fascists

27 July 2010 was sentenced Barnaul antifascists Alexis C. By Art. 118 of the Criminal Code "grievous bodily harm through negligence." Antifascist protect themselves and others from the attack of neo-Nazis.

This story began exactly 10 months earlier, in the suburb of Barnaul - Novoaltajsk (Altai Territory). 27 September, late in the evening, two young men (among whom was antifascist Alex C.) in a dark alley caught up with three unknowns.From the first seconds of communication, it became clear that the "catch up" - followers of extreme right-wing political ideas, obviously not wanting to disagree "on the world". As a result, a few minutes after having argued primitive Alex to protect himself and his friend, was forced to apply a totally legitimate self-defense weapon gas "blow". There were two shots - one in the face bonheda, the second - already in dogonku - in the back of the victim.

A few days later, on Oct. 1, 2009, the home of Alexis C. Came employees' bodies and took him away for interrogation, during which it turned out the psychological impact of the staff heard the threats against Alexis, a promise by all means "hide behind the bars.

In April 2010 was brought up and sent to the Novoaltajsk City Court case on st.111 Criminal Code (deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm).This was compounded by the fact that in the scuffle and the shooting of "Punch", 18-year-old bonhed Damen Sarsenovich Domains (Kazakh, born in Kemerovo), was injured in one eye and one hundred percent loss of vision.The official medical opinion is written: "contusion of the left eye and severe. Total posttraumatic retinal detachment eyes ", ie vision to it will never return.

The meeting considered the contradictory testimony of the victim and witness - first they said that Alexei S., a known anti-fascist, who allegedly had long had on their teeth, and he first attacked them. They later changed their testimony - now, they said, Alexey S. himself was neo-Nazi swastika risuyuschim everywhere, but they are late in the evening approached him "to ask" why he is doing.

The aggrieved party fielded a lawsuit Alexei, which requested the court to collect on their behalf nor more nor less than 15 million rubles - for serious injury and consequent psychological blow.Bonehead explained this amount so that now he "can not find a favorite work and not get into the army of Russia"

27 July 2010, the City Court Judge Novoaltajsk Sukharev, OA, Alexei sentenced to 180 hours of hard labor and a fine of 500,000 rubles in favor of the victim.During the case, the indictment article was translated from 111 to 118, in the absence of evidence of malice of the accused.

Antifascists Altai outraged such a huge amount of fine. We believe the amount is unreasonably high, and we intend to appeal to the relevant structures.


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