November 4, 2010 - Saratov without fascism!

November 4, in the so-called National Unity Day was held in Saratov, a counter-rally of anti-fascists aimed against nationalist demonstrators gathering in the morning the same day in the city Circus. The picket was attended by more than 40 anti-Fascists, leaflets were distributed, the Nationalists quickly finished their meeting and came to the counter- Picket tried to provoke a fight.

In addition to the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, in the event of nationalists attended several right-wing organizations.Through a megaphone speakers uttered the classic for the speech of the political spectrum - the dominance of migrants and abuses against the Russian people. Skinheads took up the chorus "Russian, go!", Throwing his hands in a gesture reminiscent of the Nazi salute. They were supported by several men in gray uniforms with truncheons and Cossack hat.

Closer to 11 hours from the podium came a call for an organized walk to the monument Chernyshevsky, where at that moment began a counter-picket movement "Antifa" under the slogan "Saratov without fascism!".Participants of the rally, closing the face armbands and waving the imperial flag, tried to start a march along the avenue of Kirov, but police managed to stop the movement of right-wing radicals, and no arrests. The crowd resorbed into small groups of 5-10 people, migrated in the direction Lipki.

As a result, the beginning of the anti-fascist action, on the street near the monument Radishchev Chernishevsky gathered an impressive crowd of Nazi radicals.

At that time, about 40 anti-fascists and their opponents, which was twice more, did not share anything - the police on the spot was not, she came much later."Antifa" holding a banner with the slogan "Saratov without fascism!" Also razdovalis leaflets.

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Despite the authorities' attempts to present on November 4th holiday social cohesion, this day became an occasion for the Nazi coven - a symbol of hatred and discord.They call it the "Russian march". Perhaps on their banners and will not be swastikas, and they will hide behind slogans of the struggle against "illegal immigration", calling for "Russian order" and an "age-old Russian values." But the essence of their ideas - the same hatred of "different," the same "final solution", the same calls for purges and deportations.At the heart of their propaganda - similar lies about national superiority.

Neo-Nazis blamed on immigrant workers blame for all social problems - poverty, unemployment and crime. They spread the myth that supposedly is due to immigrants natives there are no jobs, wages declining, and crime increases. Business use of labor migration for their own purposes - he needs disenfranchised and cheap labor. And if immigrants should frighten or drive out without paying - you can use the Nazis.Do not accidentally co leader of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration and leadership of Don failure: both of them are fed powerless migrant workers, which is easy to keep at bay.

The authorities also need extreme right. Myths about guest workers take away the people's discontent from social services in the area of ethnic prejudice. Hatred brings a good profit. All these "Fuehrer" make a name for himself by getting money from construction companies that profit from immigrant labor, helping them to get rid of used and disenfranchised workers without paying them a salary.

Flirting with politics right-wing extremists is costly for us with you.In Russia, there are at least 150 Nazi groups, and their number is growing every year. Only in the first half of this year occurred registered 370 racist attacks, more than all of last year. Nazi leaders voiced their program (one of its authors Nikita Tikhonov - killer lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova): 2020 in Russia to take power through elections.Who of us need a new Fuhrer?

When antifashicty chanted: "Fascism will not pass!", "Be ashamed Nazi," "The Nazis secretly guzzle Shawarma!", "No brains - but with" imperkoy! ", Incidentally exchanging threats from opponents.

Once in place pickets arrived, police and staff of the Center "E", the protesters dared to approach one of the right-wing radical, different, to put it mildly, not entirely Aryan appearance, and offered to fight "wall to wall."Since the lurch and sputter daredevil betrayed his considerable degree of intoxication, he ridiculed and sent back home with the suggestion to wear boots and fur hat, which corresponds more to the image of Russian nationalists. Subsequently retired firebrand, was detained by police.

Toward the end of the anti-fascist rally, the square in front of lindens rode the bus with law enforcement officers. All anti-fascists - the protesters were back loaded, and then sent to the building of the Center for Combating Extremism in the bus station.There, investigators Center "E" rewrote the personal data of all "anti-fascists."

As a result, the detention of anti-fascists, "right" have lost their opponents, which prevented them to hold a meeting, it was said, to 15.00.

Related links:

rally-concert in Perm

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